
The institution publishes academic policies that adhere to principles of good educational practice.  These are disseminated to students, faculty, and other interested parties through publications that accurately represent the programs and services of the institution.





Conditional Compliance






The Executive Committee is responsible for formal review of all major campus policies.  This Committee includes representatives from every employee group on campus and students.  The procedure for presenting and acting on policies is described on page E-1 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook [1].   When a policy is submitted for Executive Committee approval, it is sent to the Faculty Senate, the Administrative Council, the Staff Assembly, and the Student Government Association for discussion prior to Executive Committee vote.  The process for review for an academic policy always includes review and reaction from the Faculty Senate. 


Prior to the formal review process by the Executive Committee, major academic policies go through an informal faculty review and feedback process.  Proposed new policies are discussed at weekly meetings of the Academic Affairs staff and/or are disseminated to the staff through email.  This staff includes all individuals who report directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs – i.e., Associate Vice President for Assessment and Planning, five instructional division deans, Dean for Student Services, Dean for Learning Resources, and Director of Developmental Studies.  Following discussion and revisions from the staff, the deans request feedback about the policy from faculty members in their division.  That feedback is incorporated into final revisions to the proposed policy before it is submitted to Executive Committee. 


Academic policies that directly impact students are published in the college catalog, which is available online and on paper.  The online catalog is the most current because it can be updated on an ongoing basis.  Policies published in the catalog include admissions and residency [2], course assessment and placement [3], advanced standing [4], records and registration [5], grading [6], and graduation requirements [7].  Policies most relevant for students are also published in The Student Handbook [11]


Program requirements are readily available to students.  Specific course requirements for each A.A.S. degree and Certificate are listed in the catalog [8] and on websites for each academic program.  In addition, paper brochures that include information about A.A.S. degrees and Certificates are available.  For the A.A. and A.S. transfer degrees, the catalog lists the 41 SCH Common General Education Core requirements [9].  The catalog also lists recommended courses for students to take in their intended university majors [10]. 




[1] Faculty and Staff Handbook information on Executive Committee (pages E3-4)



[2] Catalog Admissions


[3] Catalog Placement


[4] Catalog Advanced Standing


[5] Catalog Records


[6] Catalog Grading


[7] Catalog Graduation


[8] Catalog A.A.S. & certificate Requirements


[9] Catalog A.A. & A.S. Requirements


[10] Catalog A.A. & A.S. Areas of Emphasis Recommended Courses


[11] Nashville State Student Handbook (page 14) http://www.nscc.edu/handbook/HANDBOOK.pdf