Nashville State Technical Community College
Faculty Development Program Committee


Definition of Professional Development

Professional development includes formal and informal means of assisting instructors not only with acquiring new skills but also with developing insights into pedagogy and their own classroom practice, and exploring new or advanced understandings of content and resources. It also refers to "activities to enhance professional career growth." Such activities may include individual development, continuing education, and in-service education, as well as peer collaboration, study groups, and peer coaching or mentoring.

Purposes of Professional Developments

SACS 4.8.7 Professional Growth

An institution must provide faculty members the opportunity to continue their professional development throughout their career and must demonstrate that such development occurs. Among the means of this accomplishing this goal are leaves of absences for study and research, additional graduate study in the discipline, participation in professional meetings, and in-service training such as instruction in computer usage. The general tone and policies of an institution must make it clear that individual faculty members are to take the initiative in promoting their own growth as teachers, scholars and especially in professional and occupational fields, practitioners.

TBR Policy of Professional Development (POLICY 5-02-01-05)

The Tennessee Board of Regents recognizes the need for the continued professional growth and development of all faculty at institutions in the Tennessee Boards of Regents System. The continued professional growth and development of faculty is necessary for institutions of higher education to continue to provide educational programs which: (a) include new developments and knowledge in academic disciplines; (b) reflect new instructional, research, and public service techniques and strategies; and (c) meet changing needs and expectations of students. While all faculty are responsible for their own continued professional development, it is essential that the System and its institutions provide planned, organized faculty development programs to encourage professional growth in accordance with their missions and goals. Pursuant to the foregoing considerations, the Board hereby sets forth the following minimum guidelines concerning faculty development:

  1. Each institution shall plan and implement on an annual basis a structured, coordinated program for faculty development. The program will be designed to achieve predetermined institutional objectives, and will utilize an appropriate variety of activities which may include the following:

    1. Systematic evaluation of instruction by students, faculty and appropriate administrators to provide bases for planning means of increasing the effectiveness of the instructional program.

    2. Encouragement of innovation and improvement of instruction by a recognition system, i.e. outstanding professor awards.

    3. Effective use of grants-in-aid and scholarships pursuant to Board Policy No. 5:01:04:00.

    4. Provision of financial support though grant awards and other means for research or the improvement of instruction, for faculty participation in workshops, short courses and seminars designed to develop new skills in instruction, research and public service, and for faculty participation in major activities of their respective professional associations.

    5. Sponsorship of local forums, lectures, and workshops on scholarly developments and activities.

  2. Institutional budgets will reflect the amount of funds allocated for faculty development at the institution.

  3. The office of the Chancellor will also maintain a System level program for faculty development to supplement and enhance the faculty development programs of the individual institutions. The calendars and activities of System-level programs will be planned in the cooperation with the President’s Council and appropriate Sub-Councils.