Word Part I Transcript

To start Microsoft Office and create a file, click on Start at the lower left corner of the screen, choose All Programs. In the Microsoft Office group, select Microsoft Office Word 2003. When the Word window opens, the cursor displays at the point where you can begin keying your document. To provide more space for the screen display, close the task pane at the right side of the screen. Now you can begin typing your document.

To open a file, click on File, choose Open, then locate the file. The file I wish to choose is on Floppy A. If you have it in another location, choose the location where the file is saved. I want to open “Resources for Writing a Report Revised.” Click on the title and click Open.

To save a file, click on the Save icon on the standard toolbar or choose File > Save on the Menu. Notice that Control + S is a shortcut to save. Choose the location where you want to save the file. I will save it to Floppy A. The name of the file is Resources for Writing a Report. Click Save. We now have a saved copy of the file. If you make changes and want to save it again, a quick way to do it is to click the Save icon. It overwrites the file and saves the file with the most recent changes.

To save two versions of a file, we will use the “Save as” feature. I am going to add some additional information to this file. We now have an additional resource, and I want to save both copies. Click on File and choose “Save as.” I’m saving this to Floppy A. So that this file does not overwrite the other file, I am going to add the word “Revised” so the file name will be different. When I click Save, I will then have two copies of the file: one with the original text and one with the revisions.