Nashville State Suicide Prevention Plan


Nashville State has developed a comprehensive approach to increase mental health awareness though efforts of prevention.


Dr. Julie Williams, Director, Student Success Center, or 615-353-3656.

Prevention Components and Resources

Key components of NSCC’s suicide prevention work include:

Information regarding such relationships at NSCC is available at which provides a comprehensive list of partners and services available to members of the Nashville State community which may include crisis referral services, prevention screenings, training programs, etc.

Any campus member interested in accessing the services/agencies and training noted above, or for more information about NSCC’s suicide prevention efforts should contact Dr. Julie Williams, Director, Student Success Center, or 615-353-3656.


There is no typical suicidal person. No age group, ethnicity, or background is immune. Fortunately, many troubled individuals display behaviors deliberately or inadvertently signal their suicidal intent. Recognizing the warning signs and learning what to do next may help save a life.


Intervention Resources

Nashville State has established relationships with the following local Mental Health facilities for the purpose of crisis referral services.

Additional Information


Because all student/faculty/staff deaths affect our community, whether that death is accidental, due to illness, or the result of self-inflicted injury, it important for NSCC to respond to and recognize all deaths in a consistent manner. Campus leadership and the communications department developed a protocol that includes a campus response to a student/faculty/staff suicide to decrease the trauma experienced by the students and other campus community members left behind and to help prevent further suicides through contagion.


If a student, staff, or faculty member death occurs by suicide, the following person, or their designee, should be notified immediately:

Dr. Carol Martin-Osorio, VP Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, 615-353-3268

Postvention Components and Resources

Additional Information

Comprehensive Response Protocol

NSCC’s comprehensive suicide prevention, intervention and postvention protocol is available to the campus community. For more information, please contact Dr. Julie Williams, Director, Student Success Center, or 615-353-3656.