Current Case Inventory
Category 1
Here are the Category 1 Problem-based Case Studies that show how the concepts of problem-based case learning are used. Most of the cases include an Instructor Guide that helps with implementing and evaluating. It is password protected. Please contact to learn how to access this section.
- Model PBCS: "Home with a View"
- Model PBCS: "Lights Out!"
- Model PBCS: "You Can Bank On It!"
- Model PBCS: "We May Lose Our Best Customer!"
- Model PBCS: "To Catch a Church Mouse"
- Model PBCS: "Don't Drop That Line!"
- Model PBCS: "Laughing Child Day Care Center"
- Model PBCS: "ASI Learning Lab "
- Model PBCS: "CATisfaction "
- Model PBCS: "IPA 80/20"
Model Cases: The Case Files 1.0
Category 2
These examples show how the concepts of problem-based case learning can be presented as abridged cases. Here are some sample Category 2 Problem-based Case Studies that show how the concepts of problem-based contextual learning are used.
More Category 2 cases to come, please check back.
Category 3
These examples show how the concepts of problem-based case learning can start from just ideas for cases. Here are some sample Category 3 Problem-based Case Studies that show how the concepts of problem-based contextual learning are used.
More Category 3 cases to come, please check back.