Pre-School/Day Care
- Teaching
- Parent-Child Education
- Administration:
- Curriculum Development
- Training
- Management
- Private, public, franchise and corporate day care centers
- Pre-schools
- Montessori schools
- Religious organizations
- Extended school programs
- Recreation programs
- Health clubs
- Private homes
- Family day care
- Federal, state and local government:
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Head Start
Strategies & Information:
- Obtain experience working with children through volunteer, intern or part-time positions.
- Demonstrate patience, creativity and the ability to work well with people of various backgrounds.
- Develop strong communications skills to deal effectively with students, staff and parents.
- Acquire appropriate certification, such as Child Development Associate (CDA) or Pre-K licensure for some pre-school settings. Certification varies by state.
- Note that some private employers seek staff whose religious values match their organizations' missions.
- Teaching:
- Early Childhood Education
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Home Economics
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Curriculum Development
- Research
- Counseling
- Administration
- College Student Affairs
- Public and private schools (K-12)
- Public pre-school programs (Head Start)
- Private pre-school programs
- Montessori schools
- Adult education programs
- Extension offices
- Colleges and universities
Strategies & Information:
- Develop excellent interpersonal, public speaking and writing skills.
- Learn to work well with different types of people.
- Gain experience working with a target age group through mentoring, tutoring or volunteering with a school-based organization.
- Serve as a peer mentor, resident assistant or student advisor to cultivate leadership and communication skills.
- Join student chapters of national teaching organizations.
- Acquire appropriate certification for public school (and some private school) teaching positions, which varies by state.
- Obtain graduate degree for counseling, student affairs and administrative positions.
- A master’s degree may be sufficient for teaching at community or two-year institutions.
- Pursue a Ph.D. for college and university teaching and research opportunities.
Social Services
- Case Management
- Counseling
- Advocacy
- Program Development
- Community Education
- Volunteer Coordination
- Administration
- Research
- Evaluation
- Fundraising
- Public Relations
- Grant Writing
- Community centers
- Youth services agencies/programs
- Family services agencies/programs (financial, family planning, health and wellness, marriage, vocational, food/housing assistance, military family support)
- Senior citizens programs
- Nursing homes
- Assisted living facilities
- Rehabilitation organizations
- Group homes
- Half-way houses
- Mediation centers
- Consulting firms
- Consumer protection agencies
- Adoption agencies
- Federal, state and local government including:
- Department of Health and Human Services:
- Administration on Aging
- Administration for Children and Families
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
- Health Resources & Services Administration
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Department of Justice:
- Probation and parole offices
- Correctional facilities
Strategies & Information:
- Exhibit a desire to help others, along with communication and organizational skills.
- Seek experience as a volunteer, intern or paid employee with social service or non-profit organizations.
- Become familiar with government and community resources available for those in need.
- Develop a wide range of skills such as presenting, grant writing and fundraising, as professionals in nonprofit organizations may fill multiple roles in their positions.
- Learn to work well with different types of people from varying socioeconomic, racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds.
- Supplement curriculum with courses in social work, sociology or psychology.
- Pursue additional coursework to specialize in an area or with a certain population such as addiction, gerontology, child welfare, etc.
- Consider earning Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) credential through the National Council on Family Relations.
- Become familiar with government hiring procedures.
- Obtain a master's degree and appropriate licensure in mental health counseling, social work or rehabilitation counseling to provide therapy.
- Earn a graduate degree for greater access to administrative positions.
- Domestic and International Advocacy
- Humanitarian Services, i.e. human rights, family planning, world health, disaster relief
- Development:
- Economic
- Community
- Housing
- Policy Development
- Program Administration
- Fundraising/Development
- Volunteer Coordination
- Grant Writing
- Community action agencies
- Nonprofit organizations
- Private voluntary organizations
- Faith based organizations (FBO's) and churches
- International aid and relief organizations
- NGO's (Non-governmental Organizations), i.e.
- Action Aid, Oxfam, International Red Cross
- Federal government agencies
- International focus:
- Peace Corps
- Foreign Service (State Department)
- Community assistance focus:
- Housing and Urban Development
- Department of Health and Human Services
- State and local government agencies
Strategies & Information:
- Demonstrate strong desire to help others.
- Volunteer at social service agencies to gain experience and demonstrate interest.
- Participate in campus "alternative break" trips or church-led mission trips to gain experience assisting groups in need.
- Pursue leadership roles in campus and community advocacy organizations, and learn how to motivate individuals and groups.
- Develop excellent research, writing, communication and organizational skills; fundraising experience may be helpful for some positions.
- Complete an internship with a government organization in area of interest.
- Research federal, state and local job application procedures.
- Hospital Based Family Support/Child Life Services (provide emotional support, educate children and families, identify resources, coordinate events)
- Health, Nutrition, Safety Education
- Advocacy
- Hospitals
- Doctors’ offices
- Healthcare facilities
- Specialized camps/schools
- Hospice programs
- Funeral homes
- Social service organizations
- Public health programs
- Federal, state and local government including:
- Department of Health and Human Services:
- Administration on Aging
- Administration for Children and Families
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
- Health Resources & Services Administration
Strategies & Information:
- Volunteer in a healthcare setting such as a hospital or specialized children’s camp.
- Develop a high comfort level working in clinical environments with children and families under stress.
- Acquire strong communication skills, and plan to work on interdisciplinary teams of doctors, nurses, counselors, etc. who provide care to children.
- Obtain Child Life Specialist certification through the Child Life Council, and be willing to relocate for greater access to positions in children’s hospitals.
- Prepare to work nights, weekends and holidays in some healthcare settings.
- Earn a master's degree in social work, counseling, nutrition, public health or related area for increased opportunities.
- Market Research
- Product Testing
- Product Development
- Management
- Sales
- Customer Service
- Manufacturing companies of children's clothes, toys, furniture and food
- Consumer protection agencies
- Department and retail stores
- Social service organizations with business components, i.e. tax assistance, financial planning
Strategies & Information:
- Demonstrate initiative, attention to detail, organization and problem-solving skills.
- Learn to communicate effectively with a wide-range of people. Consider taking interpersonal communication and public speaking classes.
- Earn a business minor or supplement program with courses such as accounting, management, finance, etc. to increase understanding of business theory.
- Obtain sales/retail experience with companies catering to children’s needs.
- Join business or retail student organizations and secure leadership positions.
- Research
- Curriculum/Resource Development
- Journalism
- Writing
- Editing
- Public Relations
- Organizations geared toward children and families including:
- Book publishers
- Radio and TV stations
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Social service organizations
- Manufacturers
- Consumer protection agencies
- Professional associations
Strategies & Information:
- Develop excellent grammar and writing skills.
- Learn to think critically and research effectively.
- Take elective courses in the communications field such as journalism, broadcasting, public relations and advertising, or earn a minor in one area of interest.
- Obtain experience with a college newspaper, yearbook, alumni publication or with local radio or television stations.
- Compile a portfolio of writing samples, ad campaigns and other relevant work, especially those that have been published.
- Develop desktop publishing, webpage design and other computer skills. Online communication is increasing, while print is declining.
- Pursue an active role, preferably leadership, in journalism organizations.
- Prepare to work in deadline-oriented environments and to withstand criticism.
General Information and Strategies
- A Bachelor's degree is sufficient for entry-level positions.
- Advanced degrees are essential for clinical and therapeutic counseling positions.
- The Child and Family Studies major can serves as preparation for students pursuing advanced training in other areas such as healthcare, i.e. pediatric nursing, family medicine; law, i.e. family law, elder law, child advocacy; and ministry, i.e. youth ministry, pastoral counseling. Research admissions requirements and take pre-requisite courses for programs of interest.
- A Master's degree or Ph.D. is often needed for administrative and supervisory positions.
- A Ph.D. is required for most college teaching and advanced research positions.
- Additional or specialized training qualifies one for higher paying opportunities and positions of greater responsibility.
- Obtain part-time, summer, internship or volunteer experience in child care, schools, hospitals, camps, or overseas programs or in advocacy or service-oriented programs addressing alcoholism, drug abuse, family violence, aging, poverty, disabilities, etc.
- Obtain certification for specialized areas including Child Life Specialist or Family Life Educator.