Cyber Language Lab






Spelling and Writing

bulletGreat links to information about spelling rules, capitalization, hyphenation, abbreviation, and the use of accents, plus an online spell-checker.

Improve Your Spanish Spelling

bulletThis site focuses on problems caused by common regular differences in spelling as well as a selection of words whose differences don't fit these patterns.

False Cognates in Spanish

bullet"Spanish and English have literally thousands of cognates, words that are basically the same in both languages, having the same etymology and similar meanings. But combinations such as decepción and "deception" are so-called false cognates — known more precisely as "false friends" or falsos amigos — word pairs that look like they might mean the same thing but don't. They can be confusing, and if you make the mistake of using them in speech or writing you're likely to be misunderstood."

10 Mistakes to Avoid While Learning Spanish

bulletLearn how to avoid mistakes with cognates, word order, pronouns, and more.

Origins of the Letter Ñ

bulletRead about the fascinating history of the tilde.