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and a ton of cool stuff relating to CRITICAL THINKING.
You may contact me via e-mail at scott.mcroberts@nscc.edu.
About your
Scott McRoberts is a full time instructor at Nashville state Community College where he bestows upon the hungry throngs of idolizing students a sort of pedagogical sorghum to sweeten their mental biscuits, thus nourishing the collective intellectual appetite. Art Appreciation, Drawing and Design are the classes Scott Teaches at NSCC. However, they are but a miniscule sampling of the unbounded knowledge Contained within this relatively obscure resource. In his ten years of higher education Scott was nurtured, educated, mentored, subjugated, and abused by some of the greatest internationally known artists of this, or the previous, Melina. Scott spent scaled centuries sucking from the intellectual siphon of institutionalized education. And now you may benefit from his profound professorial pontifications.
When Scott is not teaching he makes art. his mind is a deluge of creative energy, allowing the seemingly inexhaustible wellspring of myth and metaphor to spill forth from Scott's sublime synapses. In the heart of Nashville, Scott produces ardent sculptures, reflecting the social climate of depressed rural surroundings. Scott, never satisfied with any one particular direction, strives to continually reinvent himself through process. Scott has developed a unique method of manipulating the decomposed remnants of carbon based life forms into bio-mechanical expressions of geologic phenomena. Occasionally Scott returns to his first love, the potters wheel, where he produces finely crafted garden vases of gigantic scale and distinction, as well as, utilitarian pottery of superior design, comfort, and durability.
Mr. McRoberts holds an AA/AS in Commercial Art from Dutchess Community College in Poughkeepsie, NY; a BFA from Middle Tennessee State University; and a MFA from the State University of New York in New Paltz.
But in a larger, more significant way, Scott is an eternal student of the world. Where the Busboy at Denny's contributes as much to his education as does the most pretentious of Art Historians. Scott lives in a world where the art of a house painter is equal to that of a canvass painter. Where the sculpture left in a toilet bowl is as valid as those in the Guggenheim.