Accident Site Photograph Gallery
Roll G-1 (Captioned)

To view a larger image of the provided thumbnail, click inside the image.

g1-01a.jpg g1-01b.jpg
Note: the two images above are reformatted versions of Fig. 4.7 of the WJE Accident Report
Each image has been sized to be able to be printed out on a standard printer.

Captioned Photos of Girder G1 (#2 - #14) and Girder G2 (#15)
g1-02.jpg g1-03.jpg g1-04.jpg g1-05.jpg g1-06.jpg
g1-07.jpg g1-08.jpg g1-09.jpg g1-10.jpg g1-11.jpg
g1-12.jpg g1-13.jpg g1-14.jpg Girder G2

Roll A-1 Page Top Roll K-1 Roll K-2 Roll K-3 Roll K-4