January 2025 Volume 8 Issue 6

Update from the President

by Dr. Shanna L. Jackson

Greetings Fellow Falcons,  

The older I get, the more I treasure each day because it truly is a gift.  And although I stopped making new year resolutions a few years ago, I am working towards making the most out of each and every day.  In 2022, I started a journey to take better care of my health.  Since that time, I have lost 100lbs! It was not an easy or fast journey.  It took time, discipline and commitment. 

The same applies to our work at Nashville State during this season of Breakthrough! It has not been an easy journey. Yet, it is exciting to see the momentum building from the hard work and commitment to our Vision 2030 strategic plan. Nashville State is on the move! Below are a few updates from the Office of the President:

Enrollment Update – As of January 29, we are over 7,000 in spring enrollment! This is up 12.4% in headcount and 14.6% in FTE from the prior year. We also saw our largest increase is in continuing students, where we are up almost 500 students! This fall 1,084 students made the President’s List earning 4.0 GPAs.  I believe the exceptional work taking place inside and outside the classroom is making an impact.

Dual Enrollment gains of more than 250 students and strong increases in Transfer and New students are also adding to the strong spring enrollment.  We are purging students for nonpayment soon so these numbers may shift.  However, we also have the opportunity to add more students in our 2nd 7-week sections. Stay data informed by visiting our new Data Access Page. Please contact Institutional Research if you have questions.

Fantasy Football – After three years, I can finally call myself a Champion! Just like my Ohio State Buckeyes who won the National Championship after beating Tennessee, Oregon and Chris Beldsoe’s Fighting Irish.

Congratulations to the following Nashville State Fantasy Football Division Champions:

  • Red Division: Whooligans – Natalie Olsen
  • Black Division: Superfan – Shanna Jackson
  • Silver Division: DA Lucky Duffs – Kathleen Duff
  • White Division: 2 Legit – Jarvis Simms
  • Bronze Division: HSM-72 The Proud Warriors – Peter Ortner
  • Gold Division: Haleigh-lujah – Haleigh Portillo
  • Blue Division: Bryan’s Blitzing Buffoons – Bryan Trout I am already looking forward to Season 4 starting in August. 

Wellness – We are excited to re-open the White Bridge Fitness Center in K-102 in the K-Building, just off the lobby. The facility is equipped with cardio and strength training equipment and is available to all employees and currently enrolled students. Anyone wishing to use the facility must fill out a waiver form.

While we do not have on-campus workout facilities on our extended campuses, all employees, spouses, dependents and retirees enrolled in medical insurance with Partners for Health have access to online wellness benefits through Sharecare, including health coaching and guided programs. Visit sharecare.com/tnwellness/health-coaching/ for more information.

Along with your physical health, there are also support services for your emotional health. You can reach out directly to Emotional Wellbeing Solutions (formerly EAP). They have programs and services that are offered at no cost to all benefit-eligible employees and eligible family members. Visit Here4tn.com for more information. 

As we continue this season of Breakthrough for the college, I hope you will join me in being intentional about spending time on things that will make a difference.  First, we need to take care of ourselves, then one another and our students.  Our mission is critical; our region and community are counting on us.  Together, we will achieve our bold vision to be a national leader. I believe in us.  This is our time, and this is our season!

Natalie Olsen Headshot

Employee Engagement Growing Stronger

By Natalie Olsen, Executive Assistant, Office of the President

The college continues to make positive strides in improving employee engagement, according to feedback from the Fall 2024 Engagement Survey. In fact, 34 out of 48 indicators saw upward movement in the “strength” responses. Only two areas remain flagged as weaknesses compared to seven last year.

The Fall 2024 survey was completed by 245 people compared to 270 the previous year; the survey was sent to regular full-time and part-time employees. The Engagement Committee appreciates your feedback as it helps direct our work.

Survey responses were categorized into three areas:
• STRENGTHS – 80% or more answered with “Strongly agree” or “Agree”
• OPPORTUNITIES – 25% or more answered “Somewhat disagree” or “Somewhat agree” 
• WEAKNESSES – 10% or more answered “Strongly disagree” or “Disagree”

GainsThe greatest climbs in positive responses were seen in College Leadership (defined as the President and Vice Presidents), Culture, Connections and Onboarding. 

• I think leadership has a clear vision of where the college is going. (+8% points)
• Leadership proactively shares information. (+9% points)
• Leadership provides ways for me to give feedback. (+12 points)
• I am satisfied with the opportunities the college provides to connect me with fellow employees. (+ 9 points)
• The college is good at facilitating collaboration across the college. (+8% points)
• The college is good at promoting collaboration across the college. (+9% points)
• My onboarding equipped me to be successful in my role. (+21% points)
• The new hire orientation equipped me to be successful in my role. (+ 14% points)
• I am confident that senior leadership will introduce improvements because of this survey. (+10% points)

We saw an anticipated jump in positive responses in the General questions category after adding a timeframe in two questions. The number of years (“last 5 years”) reflects the time that Dr. Jackson has been leading the institution.

Setbacks. Areas to watch (drop in “Strengths” percentage points of more than 3%*)
• How often are you recognized for the work you do at Nashville State? -6% points (remains an Opportunity)
• I have opportunities to grow as an employee outside of professional development. -9% points (became an Opportunity)
• My supervisor does a good job celebrating successes and achievements. -5% points

1-3% considered insignificant.

Committee Focus Areas for 2024-2025
• Develop initial ideas for an employee honors ceremony for Spring 2026, including the Falcon Fun Awards (Spring 2025) and LEADS Awards. (Appreciation and Recognition)
• Develop recommendations to Leadership and supervisors on ways to improve the feedback process at Nashville State. (Culture)
• Develop a system to share monthly tips to promote well-being. (Well Being)
• Plan 2-3 Meet Ups to connect employees (at least one/semester) (Connections)
• Coordinate taking employee pictures for Teams icons to make it easier to recognize one another. (Connections)

Keep up to date on the activity of ALL committees on the Committees SharePoint. The next Employee Engagement survey will be conducted in Fall 2025.

Note: Right click on the page image to open image in a new tab.

Mental Health Tips for College Employees: Nurturing Your Well-Being in a Demanding Environment

By Danielle Sullivan, Coordinator, The Learning Center and Dyamond Williams, Student Services Specialist III, Clarksville Campus

Working at a college or university can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also comes with its own set of unique challenges. Whether you’re a faculty member, staff, or administrator, the demands of academic deadlines, student needs, and the busy pace of campus life can sometimes lead to stress, burnout, and mental fatigue. Prioritizing your mental health in such a high-energy, fast-paced environment is essential to maintaining both your professional and personal well-being.

Each month, the Employee Engagement Committee will share a mental health tip to help you thrive in your college job while taking care of yourself.

January: Set Boundaries and Prioritize Self-Care
One of the biggest challenges of working at a college is the tendency to feel like you’re constantly “on.” Whether you’re responding to student emails late at night or attending back-to-back meetings, it can be hard to separate work life from personal life. Setting clear boundaries around work hours and personal time is essential.

How to do it:
• Establish a clear “end time” for your workday. Once that time arrives, resist the temptation to check emails or engage in work-related tasks.
• Take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge—whether that’s stepping away from your desk for a walk or simply taking five minutes to close your eyes and breathe deeply.
• Plan self-care activities, such as yoga, reading, or hobbies, that help you unwind and focus on something outside of work.

Setting and respecting boundaries helps to prevent burnout and ensures you have the mental and emotional space to recharge.

TBR Offers Virtual Accessibility Fridays

by James Edwards, PhD, Director of Online Learning

TBR is offering virtual accessibility hours for all staff and faculty members in the TBR system every Friday this semester from 9am-10am. Anyone is welcome to attend to converse with accessibility experts in the TBR system to ask questions or share ideas on anything related to accessibility compliance and best practices.

TBR Virtual Accessibility Office Hour Fridays

Student Life Events!

by Kelsey A. Johansen, M.Ed., Director, Student Life

Student Life is excited to share our Spring 2025 Events Calendar for each of our campuses! You can also stay informed through the Wednesday What’s Happening sent through Campus Announcements and posted to @NashstatestudentLife on Instagram and Facebook.

Heartfelt thanks to all the campus representatives who bring these events to life on their perspective campuses. There are so many of you but to name a few key point people: Janine Sherman, Dyamond Williams, Jared Irvine, and Michael Wood. Campus events would not be possible without them and their work to make them a reality.

Right click on the page image to open image in a new tab

Amy Bryant Headshot

19 Employees Earn Designing Learner-Centered Courses Certification

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

The following NSCC employees have earned the ACUE Microcredential in Designing Learner-Centered Courses from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) and endorsed by the American Council on Education.  These employees engaged in professional learning about establishing powerful learning outcomes, aligning assessments, activities, and assignments with course outcomes, developing fair, consistent, and transparent grading practices, developing and using rubrics and checklists, and preparing an effective syllabus.

The Teaching Center celebrates these employees’ commitment to learning, implementing teaching strategies, and reflecting to continuously improve.

Jesmin Akther
Belkis Barrios
Amy Bryant
Laura Burridge
Kurstin Bush
Melissa Fleck
Doug Godwin
Janessa Jacobs
Gracie King

Robert Ladd
Rachel Lewis
Zachary Mills
Roslyn Mize
Cynthia Morgan
Harlan Pease
Marla Perry
Jessica Rabb
Piper Sesnan
Leah Welker

NSCC Employees Earn Creating a Productive Online Learning Environment Badge

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

27 Nashville State Community College employees have earned the Creating a Productive Online Learning Environment badge from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) and endorsed by the American Council on Education. During this six-week course, employees learned teaching strategies and practices for welcoming students to online learning, promoting civil online learning environments, ensuring access to online learning for all, helping students persist in online learning, checking for student understanding in online learning, and providing useful feedback for online learning.

The following NSCC employees have earned the Creating a Productive Online Learning Environment badge:

Jesmin Akther
Belkis Barrios
John Besser
Amy Bryant
Laura Burridge
Kurstin Bush
James Edwards
Susan Fanning
Melissa Fleck
Douglass Godwin
Gary Grubb
Hannah Hurdle
Janessa Jacobs
Eucretia Johnson

Robert Ladd
Emily Lewis
Rachel Lewis
Zachary Mills
Roslyn Mize
Cynthia Morgan
Maryellen Nash
Harlan Pease
Marla Perry
Jessica Rabb
Piper Sesnan
Leah Welker
Regina Willis

Employees Earn Promoting Active Learning Online Course Certification

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

23 employees have completed the Promoting Active Learning Online course from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) and endorsed by the American Council on Education. During this course, these employees learned more about developing effective modules and microlectures, teaching powerful notetaking online, using groups to ensure active online learning, using the active learning cycle in online courses, planning effective online discussions, and facilitating engaging online discussions.

Engaging in this course requires a large commitment of time for learning, for planning implementation strategies, for implementing teaching strategies in teaching courses, reflecting on the impact of the strategies on students, and planning how to use teaching strategies for future courses.

The Teaching Center celebrates these employees’ commitment to learning, implementing teaching strategies, and reflecting to continuously improve.

Belkis Barrios
John Besser
Amy Bryant
Laura Burridge
Kurstin Bush
James Edwards
Melissa Fleck
Doug Godwin
Gary Grubb
Hannah Hurdle
Janessa Jacobs
Eucretia Johnson

Robert Ladd
Emily Lewis
Rachel Lewis
Zachary Mills
Cynthia Morgan
Maryellen Nash
Harlan Pease
Marla Perry
Jessica Rabb
Piper Sesnan
Regina Willis

Spring Into Success

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

Congratulations to the 57 employees who earned the Spring into Success badge during January. These NSCC employees attended at least 8 sessions during Spring into Success.

Please join The Teaching Center in celebrating their accomplishments.

Jesmin Akther
René Bataille
Bir Bohara
Kristen Bradley
Cory Brunson
Amy Bryant
Kurstin Bush
Beverly Collins
Robin Cooper-Wilbanks
Audrey Cross
Brian Curtis
Genevieve El Chaer
Lisa Elliott
Pam Esposito
Melissa Fleck
Kirsten Ford
Carly Freeman
Michelle Gillis
Beth Gorham

Avan Hamalaw
Mark Helm
Hannah Hurdle
Janessa Jacobs
Julie James
David Jehle
Karen Kendrick
Mike Kiggins
Gracie King
Michael Knap
Robert Ladd
Rachel Lewis
Peter Lyon
Devora Manier
Shane McCoy
Cynthia Morgan
Jonathan Murray
Maryellen Nash
Harlan Pease

Meghan Perdue
Janusz Polanowski
Jessica Rabb
Rand Richards
Eric Richardson
Amelia Rinehart
Cliff Rockstead
Piper Sesnan
Flora Setayesh
Neelyann Sheucraft
Cynthia Sims
Elizabeth Slade
John Smith
Marian Soliman
Elizabeth Stein
Dara Talibah
Carl Weitlauf
Christina Weston
Mary Womack

Faculty Earn Advanced Certificate in the Effective Teaching Practice Framework

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

Amy Bryant and Piper Sesnan have earned the Advanced Certificate in the Effective Teaching Practice Framework from ACUE and endorsed by the American Council on Education.

These faculty completed the Effective Online Teaching Practices course this January and earned the Advanced Certificate for completing both the Effective Teaching Practices Framework and the Effective Online Teaching Practices Framework. During the course, they learned about effective teaching practices, implemented effective teaching practices, and reflected on the impact of these practices and how to refine the use of these practices for the future.

 Join The Teaching Center in celebrating these faculty members’ accomplishments.

The Workforce Minute

By Aimee Irvine, AEMT, MA, Allied Health Educator

Hello Nashville State Community College! I am Aimee Irvine, and I am thrilled to introduce myself as the new full-time Allied Health Educator for the Center for Workforce Development and Continuing Education. This is an exciting new chapter for me, and I’m honored to join such a dynamic team. With over 20 years of medical experience and training, I look forward to sharing my knowledge and contributing to the success of our programs and students.

Here’s a little about me: I’m a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant, an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, and a CPR instructor with the American Heart Association. My professional journey has taken me through a variety of medical settings, equipping me with a broad perspective on healthcare. Most recently, I earned my Bachelor of Science from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) in August 2024.

On the personal side, I’ve been married to my wonderful husband, Jared, for 15 years. Jared is a criminal justice teacher with the Sumner County School System. We have an 11-year-old daughter, Amelia, who dreams of becoming a cosmetologist.  She’s creative, imaginative, and full of life.

Celebrating Milestones at NSCC

It’s only January, but there’s already so much to celebrate within our department and beyond! Here are some recent highlights:

  • New Beginnings at East Davidson
    In December, we moved into our brand-new East Davidson location. This milestone represents growth, opportunity, and innovation for our programs.
  • Vanderbilt Medical Assistant Training Cohorts 9 & 10
    A huge congratulations to the Vanderbilt MAT cohorts 9 and 10, who not only completed their courses but also achieved a 100% pass rate on the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) certification test! This remarkable achievement continues our success of maintaining pass rates well above the national average.
  • Vanderbilt MAT Cohort 11 Kicks Off Soon
    Starting January 27, Cohort 11 will mark a new era as the first to utilize the new simulation lab at East Davidson. This hands-on training environment is sure to elevate our students’ learning experiences.
  • Upcoming Programs
    We’re gearing up to launch Cohort 3 for Tennessee Oncology in March, while our Pharmacy Tech students are preparing to wrap up their classes in early February. These students will take their certification tests between February and March, and we can’t wait to see their success!
  • Welcome, Baby Ruby!
    The most joyful news of all: On December 27, 2024, we welcomed Miss Ruby Cunningham into the world! Congratulations to proud parents Jess and John, as well as Ollie, the Wonder dog!

I’m incredibly excited to be part of the NSCC family. Together, we’ll continue to achieve great things in Allied Health. Here’s to a successful and fulfilling year ahead!

The Internal Control Playbook

By Henry Ho, Internal Auditor, President’s Office

We now know who is going to the Superbowl this year.  There’re no doubts the Chiefs and the Eagles have some good players on their teams.  However, if you put the Chiefs or the Eagles in a game without giving them any instructions and rely solely on their talent or improvisation, they may not be able to win the game.  That’s why a successful team needs a well-defined playbook to prepare players on what to do in different situations.

In the internal control world, policies and procedures are the playbook.  They provide a structured approach to mitigate risks, promote accuracy and reliability, safeguard assets, and ensure compliance with rules and regulations. 

You may find multiple policies and procedures you have to follow in your area.  For example, the Tennessee Board of Regents has an academic policy on the requirements for student to graduate.  At the College level, the requirements are further defined with the NSCC courses students need to take.  And of course, there are department procedures that provide instructions on what and how to review the student’s application for graduation.   

Unlike the professional teams, our playbook is available online.  I encourage everyone to be familiar with the policies and procedures in your area to move the College forward to victory!  

Let’s go Falcons!

Human Resources Update

By Connie Daniel, Sr Administrative Assistant, Human Resources

January 2025

 Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Nashville State’s newest employees

Martail ClaybornComputer TechnicianTechnology Services Division
Julie JamesInstructor, AccountingSchool of Business & Professional Studies
Leslie K JamesInstructor, Surgical TechnologySchool of Health Sciences
James PeglerInstructor, Social SciencesSchool of Business & Professional Studies
Meghan PurdueInstructor, MusicSchool of Arts & Humanities
Lyle JonesCounselorFinancial Aid

Please join us in congratulating Nashville State’s employees who are in new roles

Kirsten FordInstructor, Surgical TechnologySchool of Health Sciences
Avan HamalawInstructor, MathematicsSchool of STEM
David JehleInstructor, MathematicsSchool of STEM
Mike KnappInstructor, MathematicsSchool of STEM
John SmithInstructor, ArtSchool or Arts & Humanities
Lance UmenhoferTesting Technician IISE CAMPUS

Please join us in saying farewell to retiring Nashville State employee!

Vickie BissingerAssociate ProfessorSchool of Health Sciences

Transfer Networks

by Kelsey A. Johansen, M.Ed., Director, Student Life

Are you an alumni of Belmont, Tennessee State University, Middle Tennessee State University, or Austin Peay State University looking to support future students?

Student Life is hosting Transfer Networks for students intending to transfer to these institutions, learn more about the institutions and meet Nashville State students planning to attend. If you’re interested in supporting and offering your unique perspective sign up at:  https://tinyurl.com/NSCCStaffAlumni

Tennessee Flavors

By Ryan Parker, Executive Director, NSCC Foundation

Hello Falcon Family!

Tennessee Flavors tickets are on sale now! Tennessee Flavors will take place on Tuesday, March 11th from 6-8pm at the Southeast Campus. Don’t forget that NSCC Faculty and Staff get a discounted ticket by using the promo code – TNF25FS (see below where to enter code). Faculty and staff are able to purchase 2 tickets at the discounted rate. Head to www.event.gives/tnflavors25  to purchase your tickets for $50.00 each until February 24th.

By supporting the event, you help to empower students who dream of higher education but lack the financial or structural access that makes learning and succeeding in a community college possible. Even if you have already purchased your ticket, help us spread the word to potential supporters. With your help we can provide additional resources to students striving for the success they deserve. Tuition is only the beginning, and the NSCC Foundation is looking Beyond Financial Aid.

Thank you for all you do for our students across our campuses in Middle Tennessee. We hope to see you on March 11th!

The Clothesline Laundry

By Ryan Parker, Executive Director, NSCC Foundation

The NSCC Foundation has teamed up with The Clothesline Laundry to provide a new resource for students. Through this partnership, Clothesline Laundry is offering Nashville State employees a 30% discount on services using the code NSCC30 at www.the-clothesline-laundry.com.

The Clothesline offers both full service and self-service laundry options at 3 laundromat locations. If you’re looking for a place to do the laundry at, or a person to do it for you, we’ve got you covered! For our self-service laundry option, we have three laundromat locations in Nashville, Smyrna and Murfreesboro. All our laundromats have FREE, super-fast wifi and washers of various sizes that can launder 20, up to 60lbs of garments. All of our locations are clean, safe, and secure. We have attendants that you can drop off your laundry to, if you’re not using our FREE laundry pickup & delivery service.

Photo of Tom Hayden, VP Marketing

Falcons’ News on NSCC.edu

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

New Comprehensive Workforce Center Opening in Nashville

School of Arts & Humanities Teaches Critical Thinking and Career Skills

Nashville Songwriters Association Launches Program at Nashville State

Randy Rayburn School of Culinary Arts Prepares Thanksgiving Meals for 600

The NSCC Voice

Founded 2017

Cliff Rockstead, Managing Editor
David Gerth, Assistant Managing Editor
Kevin Woods, Layout

January 2025 Contributors

Amy S. Bryant
Connie Daniel
James Edwards
Tom Hayden
Henry Ho
Aimee Irvine
Dr. Shanna L. Jackson
Kelsey A. Johansen
Natalie Olsen
Ryan Parker
Danielle Sullivan
Dyamond Williams