August 2023 Volume 7 Issue 1

Update from the President

by Dr. Shanna L. Jackson


At fall convocation our student Elizabeth shared her story.  When you look at her, you would never know the trauma and hardships she has experienced.  Every student you encounter has their own story.  And as Elizabeth shared, words matter. Each of us has the opportunity with every interaction with our students and one another to be a source of encouragement. 

Elizabeth is a reminder of why our Vision 2030 plan includes these words: “A Student Ready College.” Nashville State is not just for “college-ready” students.  We are an open access institution that will always serve students who are not academically prepared and students that face numerous barriers to completion. We have to ensure our processes and supports are designed for the students we serve.  And we can do that by building a culture of excellence in People, Places, Programs and Partnerships and by embedding our LEADS Core Values into the fabric of our work. It’s asking ourselves daily:

  • Learning. What can I do to help others and myself to learn and grow?
  • Equity Driven: What barriers do I see students struggling with and how can I help remove or lessen them?
  • Accountability: What am I doing to improve myself and my role and how can I help the college prioritize its resources?
  • Data Informed: What do I need to know to do my job well?
  • Student-Centered: How am I creating a culture of student success?

If we all do this, think about how much more ready we would be for our students and what an impact it would have on their experience at Nashville State!

Below are a few updates for the Office of the President:

Fall Convocation – Fall Convocation was a great way to start the new academic year!  A special thanks to all involved in planning and volunteering.  I again want to thank the college for the special 5-year recognition.  It was a wonderful surprise, and I am looking forward to the next 5!

Dr. Carol Rothstein Celebration –Dr. Rothstein has been appointed as the new President of Jackson State Community College!  She will join Jackson State officially October 1.  We are planning a reception to celebrate her new role and thank her for her contributions to Nashville State on Thursday, September 14. Stop by the Weld Lobby on the White Bridge campus anytime between 11:00am-12:30pm to say goodbye, wish her well, eat cake and enjoy Sue Belcher’s famous punch.

Enrollment Update – As of August 23, our Fall headcount was up 2.7% and FTE (Full Time Equivalent) up 4.1%.  There is still one last day we will remove students who have not paid (purge) scheduled.  A special thanks to each person who has actively been working to help students enroll and stay in class.

Stay Data-Informedby viewing our enrollment dashboards using these links:

*The TBR Dashboard provides enrollment data for all 13 Community Colleges.

Poverty Presentation Our entire Nashville State community, including part-time and adjuncts, are invited to attend a special presentation by Dr. Donna Beegle on how we can help make sure our students living in poverty finish school and graduate. The presentation will be held in the morning on November 17 on the White Bridge Campus; the session will be recorded and livestreamed. More details to come.

Fantasy Football Season 2 –It is football time in Tennessee! We have over 60 Nashville State Falcons getting ready for battle. Special thanks to Commissioner Ron Jackson for serving once again and adding the live draft option this year.

Support – During the month of August, working with and preparing for our students is a stressful time for many. Please remember EAP services are offered at no cost to all benefit-eligible employees and eligible family members. Visit for more information.

I am excited about the work ahead of this year and how our collective efforts will help move us closer to meeting our Vision 2030 targets. Our halfway point is just two years away…2025! Keep the Biennial Priorities plan that was shared by email where you can see it to remind yourself of the college’s top priorities for these next two years. And always remember, these targets are not just numbers on a page. Each number represents a real person whose life we have the opportunity to impact together.  We are the difference makers! We are Nashville State strong!


Dr. Jessica Rabb, Headshot

Faculty Senate’s Faculty Awards for 2022-23

by Jessica Rabb, Ph.D., Professor of Biology

Adjunct of the Year Award Winners (2022-23)

This is the second year the Faculty Senate has chosen Adjuncts of the Year based on colleague nominations. The awardees received enthusiastic and glowing nominations summarized below. The awardees exemplify the importance of our adjunct faculty to the success of our students and programs. While the Adjunct Awardees were announced at Convocation, please take time to congratulate them and thank them for their service to Nashville State.

School of Arts and Humanities

Lori Giblin, Adjunct Instructor, English as a Second Language (ESL)
Lori’s knowledge of the ESL field is top notch and Lori stepped up to help with ESL testing and placement during the pandemic and the recent retirement of the previous ESL Coordinator. Again and again, ESL full-time faculty wrote of their appreciation of Lori’s commitment and flexibility, helping the ESL Department survive these transitions. Lori was also a founding member of the Senate Adjunct Subcommittee and served in 2021-22 and 2022-23. Thank you!

School of Business and Professional Studies

Business: LaTasha Thomas, Adjunct Instructor, Paralegal Studies
LaTasha has taught technology based paralegal classes for the last four years and has gone above and beyond to keep updated with the ever-changing technology and ensure students have access to the most recent developments. LaTasha finds creative ways to make these technology-based courses engaging and relevant, changing the course to match the unique needs of students.

School of Business and Professional Studies

Social Sciences: Sean Bentzen, Adjunct Instructor, Political Science
Teaching political science courses at Nashville State for more than five years, Sean created the general education assessment for POLS 1030 American Government an important course offering in our Social Science general education core. Sean also gathered valuable course resources for a successful course redesign. Sean was a founding member of the Senate’s Adjunct Subcommittee in 2021-22. Thank you!

School of Health Sciences

Lynne Warf, Adjunct Instructor, Occupational Therapy
Lynne provides high-quality instruction and mentorship as an occupational therapy fieldwork educator. Lynne is an excellent communicator and collaborator, working closely with other faculty members to develop and implement new curriculum and teaching methodologies. The success of our Health Science programs depends on dedicated and caring fieldwork adjuncts like Lynne.

School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Heehyun Kim-Son, Adjunct Instructor, Math Learning Support
Heehyun was one of the math adjuncts who helped us roll out the previous math learning support emporium model, jumped in to support the co-requisite model, and now is helping pilot seven week learning support. In addition, Heehyun tutors math in the Learning Center. Students seek Heehyun out each week. Heehyun shows how important adjuncts are to the academic support of our students.

Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award (2022-23)

Each year, Faculty Senate awards one full-time faculty the Outstanding Faculty of the Year. This year’s awardee was announced at Convocation and their accomplishments summarized. But, I’d like to do so again. Please take time to congratulate Rachel if you haven’t had a chance to do so.

Rachel Lewis, School of STEM, Instructor, Biology
While at Nashville State, Rachel has taught BIOL 1010, BIOL 1020, BIOL 1110, BIOL 1120, BIOL 1215, BIOL 2010, BIOL 2020. Rachel is the only full-time biology faculty on the Humphreys County and Dickson campuses. Rachel has taught on-campus, online, hybrid, and virtually. Then take into consideration that like the rest of us she managed to switch to online and virtual learning in 2020 at the start of the pandemic, but in a rural area where internet access was not a guarantee. Then just as the pandemic was easing up, in fall 2021, Humphreys County was hit by a catastrophic flood that affected Rachel personally and professionally. The Humphreys County campus closed. Then Rachel started teaching at the Renaissance Center Dickson campus in spring 2022, the Nashville State lease ends and the college is homeless. Without lab space in Dickson or Humphreys County, Rachel designs a hybrid that puts virtual labs online and the lectures in-person in fall 2022. Now, the Dickson campus will be seven-week terms only in fall 2023, and Rachel is shouldering that change in teaching style for the biology department. We are so lucky to have dedicated and multi-talented faculty like Rachel serving our extended campuses.

Building a Culture of Excellence: People, Places, Programs, Partnerships, and Two More P’s?

by Henry Ho, Internal Auditor, Office of the President

Welcome to a new academic year!  At the convocation, we all heard President Jackson talk about the 4 P’s we need to build a culture of excellence – People, Places, Programs, and Partnerships.  I would like to introduce you to two more P’s that are also essential to the success of our college – Policies and Procedures.

Policies and procedures are fundamental parts of internal control that help the college achieve its objectives.  They are the control activities that help mitigate risks in the college’s operations.  For example, the college has payroll policies and procedures to ensure employees are paid in a timely and accurate manner. 

In each policy, you will learn the responsibility of the operating unit, the operational process’s objectives and risks, and the control activities that help achieve the objectives and reduce risks.  Each operating unit can further define policies through procedures.  You will find in procedures more details about the process and timing of each control activity.   

As Nashville State employees, we are required to follow college-wide policies as well as TBR system-wide policies and both are easily accessible online.  Each department or division also has its own policies and procedures.  I encourage you to be familiar with the policies and procedures applicable to your work.  Let’s work together to build a culture of excellence with People, Places, Programs, Partnerships, Policies, and Procedures!

The Workforce Minute

by Megan Murray, Business Operations Coordinator, Workforce Development and Continuing Education

The Center for Workforce Development & Continuing Education would like to introduce “The Workforce Minute” where every month, our department brings you the latest news and highlights coming out of the WFD.

What is the Center for Workforce Development?

Maybe you’ve heard of the Center for Workforce Development but don’t know what we do. Our focus is providing non-credit students a tailored education for professional advancement as well as personal enrichment courses. We’re constantly moving to implement new initiatives and programs to better serve these students and the community.

Our Team

We’re comprised of 7 individuals with varying backgrounds and expertise coming together with the same goal in mind- to make a difference!

Joseph Johnson, Executive Director
Larry Mangrum, Workforce Solutions Consultant
Rob Tudor, Director, IT Partnerships
John Cunningham, Director, Healthcare Partnerships
Brenda North, Coordinator of Advancing Workforce Equity Grant
Jayla Crawford, Senior Administrative Assistant
Megan Murray, Business Operations Coordinator

 “The Workforce Minute” will feature stories and accomplishments of students and programs, so, stay tuned! We’re thrilled to include you on our journey to supporting Vision 2030.

Joseph Johnson
Larry Mangrum
Rob Tudor
John Cunningham
Brenda North
Jayla Crawford
Megan Murray

Derrick Dupuis Presents at 2023 Tennessee Association for Institutional Research Conference

by Charles Clark, Associate Vice President of Strategic Analytics and Planning

Derrick Dupuis, Director of Institutional Research since 2021, had two presentations at the 2023 Tennessee Association for Institutional Research (TENNAIR) Conference in early August.

The first presentation was a technical overview: “Historical Application Tracking without Snapshots.” Derrick showcased our Application Dashboard and briefly discussed how we have been using it to target different student populations. The main focus of the presentation was the technical parts behind the scenes, data tables and manipulations, to help other colleges build a similar product on their campuses. The Application Dashboard is accessible to all full-time Nashville State employees and can be found in the Data Access section at

Derrick’s second presentation, “Demonstration of Power Automate,” demonstrated the Power Automate platform and discussed some of its potential uses. He then covered how we are using the tool to democratize data and enhance data quality through data audits.

TENNAIR is the state IR professional organization that serves members in post-secondary education institutions including two- and four-year colleges and universities as well as agencies whose interests include management research, policy analysis, and planning.

Amy Bryant Headshot

50 NSCC Employees Earn Fall Forward Badge

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

Fall Forward 2023 was a great success. The Office of Online Learning and The Teaching Center collaborated to provide 6 days of professional development for NSCC employees. 117 employees completed 794.08 hours (about 1 month) of professional development. This includes:

  • 598.92 hours (about 3 and a half weeks) focused on culturally responsive teaching practices.
  • 542.78 hours (about 3 weeks) focused on Learning.
  • 419.78 hours (about 2 and a half weeks) focused on being Equity Driven.
  • 375.6 hours (about 2 weeks 1 and a half days) focused on Accountability.
  • 269.3 hours (about 1 and a half weeks) focused on being Data-informed.
  • 627.92 hours (about 3 and a half weeks) focused on being Student-centered.

50 NSCC employees earned the Fall Forward badge by completing 8 or more hours of professional development. Please join the Office of Online Learning and The Teaching Center in celebrating these employees’ accomplishments.

Frank Aiello
Jesmin Akther
Rene Bataille
Bir Bohara
Kristen Bradley
Amy Bryant
Kurstin Bush
Beverly Collins
Audrey Cross
Brian Curtis
Howard Doty
David Edgington
Genevieve El Chaer
Pamela Esposito
Christie Ferguson
Carly Freeman
Doug Godwin

Timothy Gudmundson
Gail Harris
Hannah Hurdle
Janessa Jacobs
Faye Jones
Ayesha Keller
Karen Kendrick
Mike Kiggins
John Knox
Robert Ladd
Rachel Lewis
Leda Longwood
Zach Mills
Eli Nettles
Harlan Pease
Marla Perry
Janusz Polanowski

Jessica Rabb
Amelia Rinehart
Cliff Rockstead
Piper Sesnan
Neely Ann Sheucraft
Yvonne Simerman
Beth Slade
Derek Smith
Maria Smith
Elizabeth Stein
Laurie Swanson
Alissa Thacker
Donald Turner
Breanna Waller
Christina Weston
Mary Womack

Harlan Pease, Headshot

Fall Forward Recognition

by Harlan Pease, Associate Professor of Communication, School of Arts and Humanities

The Teaching Center would like to recognize the following Falcons for providing professional learning opportunities during Fall Forward 2023.  We appreciate their investment of time in preparing their presentations, and we appreciate their willingness to share their expertise to enrich teaching and the student experience here at Nashville State.

Amy S. Blum  
Bir Bohara 
Amy Bryant 
Laura Burridge  
Kurstin Bush 
Jay  Chambers
Dr. Jamie Edwards
Dr. Christie Ferguson 
Hannah Hurdle  
Gracie King  
Robert Ladd

Aggie Mendoza
Dr. Eli Nettles
Harlan Pease
Janusz Polanowski
Jessica Rabb
Dr. Sarah Roberts
Piper Sesnan
Neely Ann Sheucraft
Michele Singletary
Maria Smith
Don Turner

Photo of Tom Hayden, VP Marketing

Nashville State Music Tech Students Shine

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Nashville State Music Technology students Latif Vaden, Austin Collier, and Bill Durkin took home the Bronze at a Nashville Section of the AES (Audio Engineering Society) event. Area colleges with audio recording programs were invited to participate in the annual student mixing competition.

Each team was given identical raw original studio tracks, identical mixing environments, and eight hours to create a stereo mix. The students were only informed of the judging criteria and what equipment they would be using. The mixing was performed in post-production rooms at Paramount Global’s Country Music Television facility.

The panel of judges were made up of industry professionals.

NSCC Faculty Earn ACUE Certification

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director of the Teaching Center

During a pinning ceremony on Nashville State’s White Bridge campus, 23 professors from the College were recognized for earning their ACUE Certification in Effective College Instruction.

Organized and led by The Teaching Center at the College, these educators earned a nationally recognized teaching credential through a rigorous training process offered by the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE).

A little more than a year ago, 42 Nashville State educators and three from Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) were recognized for earning their ACUE Certification.

This voluntary training is part of Better Together, a joint venture between Nashville State and MNPS, for inter-system learning to share expertise and high-quality instructional experiences across both systems. The 23 include:

Amy Blum
Bir Bohara
Laura Burridge
David Edgington
Melissa Fleck
Michael Glenn
Jennifer Goncalves
Beth Gorham

Jeff Green
Thomas Holmes
Janessa Jacobs
John Knox
Rachel Lewis
Agnetta (Aggie) Mendoza
Emily Naff
Maayan Ornath

James (Mitch) Rollins
Kassidy Schmidt
Michele Singletary
Omari Smith
Leah Welker
Donna Whitehouse
Robin Wilbanks

Kelsey Johanssen headshot

Student Events Update

by Kelsey A. Johansen, M.Ed., Director, Student Life

Welcome Week 2023

Fall 2023 Events


Falcons’ News on

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Chris Saunders Headshot

Facilities Management Department Report

by Christopher Saunders, CFM, Executive Director of Facilities Management

August brings the close to our NSCC Campuses Summer Projects. Parallel to these efforts are the ongoing major projects which are now beginning to gain momentum.

Here is the overview of the NSCC Campuses Projects

  • Clarksville: Project Design in Final Stages – General Contractor on Board – UNDERWAY
  • Dickson:
    • New Campus Project – Designer Being Selected – UNDERWAY
    • Janitorial – Contractor – Additional Furniture Installed – COMPLETE
  • Humphreys County: Janitorial – General Clean Up – Lab Equipment to Dickson – COMPLETE
  • North Davidson: HVAC – Roof – Tile Floor – Hood – FEMA Trees – UNDERWAY
  • Southeast:
    • Refurbishment Project – BID UNDER REVIEW
    • New Chiller Project – Commissioning – UNDERWAY
  • White Bridge:
    • H – C – A – K Building Construction Pkg – AWARDED with 9-5-23 Start Date
    • Central Plant Project – AWARDED

The Summer Projects have been very successful due to the combined efforts of TSD, FM, Security, and the individual campuses departmental staff. NSCC benefits from these collaborative team efforts in preparation of the campuses for the returning students, faculty, and staff.

Headshot of Janet Dennis

Human Resources News 

by Janet Dennis, Personnel Assistant, Human Resources

New Hires

Vincent SteelePolice OfficerPolice and Security
Laryta NoralsInstructor, EnglishSchool of Arts and Humanities
Kelsie ClementStudent Services SpecialistWelcome Center
Haleigh PortilloStudent Success AdvisorStudent Success Center
Corey BrunsonFinancial Aid CounselorFinancial Aid
Melvin AlexanderPolice OfficerPolice and Security
Gabe FulgenzioMedia SpecialistTSD
Paul JensenInstructor, Culinary ArtsSchool of Business and Professional Studiees
Steven MageeAdmissions and Records ClerkAdmissions and Records
Elbatoul LemssaadiLibrary Assistant IISoutheast Campus
David SanfordInstructional DesignerOffice of Online Learning
Rebeccah PhanorStudent Services Specialist IINorth Davidson Campus
Kati Stafford-MurphyStudent Success AdvisorStudent Success Center / Nashville GRAD
Halley AndrewsInstructor, EnglishArts and Humanities
Stephen WakefieldInstructor, Computer NetworkingSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Megan MurrayBusiness Operations CoordinatorWorkforce Development and Continuing Education
Patricia MarzellaInstructor, Culinary ArtsSchool of Business and Professional Studies
Audrey AveryInstructor, NursingSchool of Health Sciences
John BesserInstructor, ChemistrySchool of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Molly JensenInstructor, NursingSchool of Health Sciences
Carl WeitlaufAssistant Professor, BiologySchool of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Status Change

Jesmine AktherAssistant Professor to Associate ProfessorSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Bir BoharaInstructor to Assistant ProfessorSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Kristen BradleyAssistant Professor to Associate ProfessorSchool of Arts and Humanities
Audrey CrossInstructor to Assistant ProfessorSchool of Arts and Humanities
Jennifer GoncalvesAssistant Professor to Associate ProfessorSchool of Business and Professional Studies
Gail HarrisInstructor to Assistant ProfessorSchool of Arts and Humanities
Mark HelmInstructor to Assistant ProfessorSchool of Arts and Humanities
Janessa JacobsInstructor to Assistant ProfessorSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Robert LaddInstructor to Assistant ProfessorSchool of Arts and Humanities
David MarkwellAssociate Professor to ProfessorSchool of Business and Professional Studies
Barbra MullaneyInstructor to Assistant ProfessorSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Leah WelkerInstructor to Assistant ProfessorSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math


Sean IngramNetwork AdministratorTSD
Robert OverallCriminal Justice/Law Enforcement Assistant ProfessorSchool of Business and Professional Studies/Southeast Campus
Johnny WyattAssistant Director Southeast CampusSoutheast Campus
Mary FitzgeraldWork Based Learning CoordinatorWelcome Center
Anne PouliotCoordinator Accessibility ServicesAccess Center

The NSCC Voice

Founded 2017

Cliff Rockstead, Managing Editor
David Gerth, Assistant Managing Editor
Isabella Putman, Layout Editor

August 2023 Contributors

Amy S. Bryant
Charles Clark
Janet Dennis
Tom Hayden
Henry Ho
Dr. Shanna L. Jackson
Kelsey A. Johansen
Megan Murray
Harlan Pease
Dr. Jessica Rabb
Christopher Saunders