January 2023 Volume 6 Issue 6

Update from the President

by Dr. Shanna L. Jackson


Happy New Year!  Spring classes are underway, and it is great to see students back on campus. When time allows, I enjoy walking around and talking to students.  Recently, I met a lost student looking for a class.  As we made our way to the right building, I learned she recently retired from the military and had not been in school for 30 years.  She chose Nashville State to become a paralegal so she could help her brother’s law firm.  She was nervous about returning to school as are many of our students.

Each semester brings “new-to-college” students to our campus, and with that a whole new set of circumstances, questions and uncertainties – about school and life. While we may know all the college has to offer, they most likely do not. A welcoming smile or a “hey, how are things going?” can go a long way to allaying fears and connecting students to the support services they need. This may be the difference between a student staying in school or opting out. I encourage you to take time each week to talk with a student. A small amount of your time can have a huge impact and keep us Moving Forward towards Vision 2030: A Student Ready College.

Dickson Campus: Our amazing facilities and TSD teams had the campus ready to open for Spring classes! We are continuing to engage with partners to identify land and resources for a permanent location. We are grateful to the City of Dickson for our new temporary home at the former Senior Center.

Enrollment Update: The dashboard has been adjusted to the start of classes. With the early October registration start, we are trending ahead of last year. You can view the enrollment dashboard here

I believe that we have turned a very important corner in becoming a Student Ready College. The work that took place across departments and campuses to reimagine the purge process and communication plan with students is a perfect example.  I know many of you have ideas for other ways we can improve the student experience and student outcomes.  Your voice matters, you matter. Share your ideas, we need you.  Remember Falcons Fly Together and together we are Nashville State Strong!

Photo of Tom Hayden, VP Marketing

Modernism Week

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Modernism Week, a centerpiece in the architecture, design, art, and fashion world, organized by the Palm Springs (California) Art Museum, is an annual event in February.

Pam Esposito’s graphic design students in Nashville State’s Visual Communications program were given the assignment to find a connection between typography and the spirit of the Modernism Week event.

The student-created art was presented to the Modernism Week board of directors, who were so impressed that they gift the College’s Visual Communications department funding to form an American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Student Group at Nashville State.

The artwork can be viewed on display outside of the bookstore on the White Bridge campus. President Jackson and three vice presidents recently celebrated the student work.

Photo of Modernism week posters
Left to right: Carol Martin-Osorio, Vice President of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management; Shanna Jackson, President; Jennifer Rector, Associate Vice President of Accounting and Finance; Carol Rothstein, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Amy Bryant Headshot

Kick Off 2023

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

Kick Off 2023 was a great success. The conference provided 8 days of professional learning to Nashville State Community College. Employees at NSCC completed 1,112.83 hours of professional learning during Kick Off 2023, and 70 employees earned the Kick Off 2023 badge by engaging in 8 or more professional learning sessions. Please join The Teaching Center and Online Learning in congratulating these employees on their accomplishments!

Kick Off 2023 Badge
  • Agnetta Mendoza
  • Amanda Emerick
  • Amelia Rinehart
  • Amy Blum
  • Amy Bryant
  • Anna Everett
  • Audrey Cross
  • Ayesha Keller
  • Beverly Collins
  • Bir Bohara
  • Brian Curtis
  • Christie Ferguson
  • Christina Weston
  • Cliff Rockstead
  • Danielle Bestfelt
  • Dara Talibah
  • David Edgington
  • Derek Smith
  • Donna Whitehouse
  • Doug Godwin
  • Eric Richardson
  • Faye Jones
  • Flora Setayesh
  • Frank Aiello
  • Gail Harris
  • Genevieve El Chaer
  • Gracie King
  • Hannah Hurdle
  • Harlan Pease
  • Howard Doty
  • Jamie Edwards
  • Janessa Jacobs
  • Janusz Polanowski
  • Jennifer Goncalves
  • Jennifer Knapp
  • Jesmin Akther
  • Jessica Rabb
  • John Campbell
  • John Knox
  • Karen Kendrick
  • Kassidy Schmidt
  • Katherine Sorenson
  • Kristen Bradley
  • Kurstin Bush
  • Lana Sims
  • Landon Mason
  • Laura Burridge
  • Laurie Swanson
  • Leda Longwood
  • Maria Smith
  • Marla Perry
  • Mary Womack
  • Maryellen Nash
  • Melissa Fleck
  • Michele Singletary
  • Neely Ann Sheucraft
  • Pam Esposito
  • Piper Sesnan
  • Quincy Rhoads
  • Rachel Lewis
  • René Bataille
  • Robert Ladd
  • Robert Overall
  • Robin Cooper-Wilbanks
  • Roslyn Mize
  • Sally Robertson
  • Sandra Wills
  • Tammy Ruff
  • Yvonne Simerman
  • Zach Mills


Dickson Campus New Location

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Nashville State Community College has a new home in Dickson for at least the next three years, while it works to find a long-term solution for a permanent campus location.

Nashville State’s Dickson campus is located at 208 West Walnut Street, the recently vacated senior citizens center in downtown Dickson. After an agreement with the City of Dickson was approved, the College made an investment to modify the building for a more collegiate environment with student support, study and lounge spaces, along with classrooms.

Nashville State has had a physical presence in the county, providing student support services and degree programs for nearly 15 years. The College moved out of The Renaissance Center, where it has been since 2008, at the end of last summer when the building was sold.

Once the College secures a permanent new home, it will be able to grow and expand programs and services to meet the growing needs of Dickson and the surrounding communities.

Photo of Dickson Campus
The new Dickson Campus

NSCC Historical Minute: The Ellen Weed Building

By Faye Jones, Ph.D. Dean, Learning Resource Center

The first mention of Ellen Weed in the NSTI catalog was in 1988 when she came to the College as the interim dean of instruction. In 1993, she was Vice President of Academic Affairs, and, except for some side trips to the Board of Regents, she stayed in that position until her retirement in 2011.  She now lives in Texas, close to family.

Ellen led the college through many growth spurts: new campuses, enrollment surges, and the transition to a community college. Tough but fair, she never held a grudge and had a great sense of humor.

For years, The Ellen Weed Building was known as the D Building. In one of its earliest forms, it was the cafeteria for the College. Then it became the Student Services Building. Many of us remember walking over there at least once a week for a meeting in the giant conference room, D14. When the new Student Services Building was completed, the D Building became the home for the Social Sciences division and recently added the Human Resources department.  

Photo of Ellen Weed and Vijay Naik at her retirement partyPhoto of David Welch, Pam Munz, Faye Jones, Valerie Belew, Eileen Crane, Jennifer Knapp, Ellen Weed, and Ted Washington at a deans’ holiday luncheon at Calhoun’s.Photo of Dr. Weed and Dr. Van Allen at graduation

Fantasy Football Results!

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Season 1 of the Nashville State Fantasy Football League is in the books. The College kicked off its inaugural Fantasy Football league in September at the beginning of the 2022 NFL regular season. The interest was so high (55 teams competed) that five divisions had to be created.

Division winners: Becky Abuorf, Carly Carpenter, Howard Ivy, Ron Jackson, and Joseph Johnson.

Planning for season 2 will begin in August.  

Photo of Becky Abuorf and Dr. JacksonPhoto of Carly Carpenter and Dr. JacksonPhoto of Division Winners and Dr. JacksonPhoto of Howard Ivy and Dr. JacksonPhoto of Joseph Johnson and Dr. JacksonPhoto of Ron Jackson and Dr. Jackson
Headshot of Janet Dennis

Human Resources News January 2023 

by Janet Dennis, Personnel Assistant, Human Resources

New Hires: 

Laura ReidNursing InstructorHealthcare Professions/Main Campus
Zachary MillsCommunications InstructorEnglish, Humanities and Creative Technology/Southeast Campus
Courtney FoleyNursing InstructorHealthcare Professions/Main Campus

Status Changes

NamePrior PositionDepartment/CampusCurrent PositionDepartment/Campus
Hong WanLab. AssistantSTEM/Southeast CampusLab. AssistantSTEM/Main Campus


Melissa PatyNursing InstructorHealthcare Professions/Main Campus
Tracy KortuemOffice SupervisorWorkforce & Community Development/Main Campus
Jamal PearceVA SpecialistAdmissions & Records/Main Campus
Walter ChudzikPolice ChiefPolice & Security Services/Main Campus
Safiullah LodhiInstitutional Research AnalystPlanning and Research/Main Campus
Bernice KnightCustodianOperations/Waverly Campus
Sarah ArthurStudent Services Specialist IWelcome Center/Main Campus

NSCC and BGSF Partner to Launch Darrell Freeman Fellowship

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

 BGSF Banner

The Darrell Freeman Fellowship at Nashville State Community College, in partnership with and financially supported by BGSF, will educate and support students who want to successfully enter the Information Technology field upon graduating with an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in programming, cyber security, networking, and data analytics.

The College and BGSF worked to form this Fellowship, with the blessing of the Freeman family, in honor of Darrell’s legacy of generosity and mentorship. BGSF is providing a one-time stipend of $1,500 for students to earn industry-focused certifications and credentials along with a technical mentor to guide students through the course.

“Darrell was an inspirational leader, whose legacy will have a lasting impact,” Nashville State President Dr. Shanna L. Jackson said. “We are honored to offer the Fellowship in his name and are grateful to BGSF for supporting our students and working with us to supply the local information technology talent pipeline for business.”

The late Darrell Freeman was a Nashville-based businessman and philanthropist who served as a mentor and benefactor for aspiring Black entrepreneurs. He sold his information technology consulting company Zycron, Inc. to BGSF, a publicly traded workforce solutions firm that connects the right talent to the right opportunities, in 2017. Darrell maintained strong relationships with several of its leaders following the acquisition.

“Darrell was a good friend of mine,” said Eric Peters, president of BGSF’s Professional Division. “We miss him dearly and we want to continue on with the legacy of what he believed in and we think that this Fellowship and partnership with Nashville State Community College is the best way to do it”.

The Fellowship prepares information technology students for an entry-level position in the fields of:

  • Oracle Application Management
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure/Architecture
  • ServiceNow Application Management/Administration

Courses, provided online and self-paced, in each concentration will expertly prepare students to sit for industry-accepted competency examinations. An A.A.S. degree and industry certification(s) will be helpful while pursuing a career post-graduation. BGSF provides career counseling along the way to ensure the best possibility of placement. Additionally, the College and BGSF may be able to assist fellows to secure an internship.

The salary for a graduate that holds an A.A.S. degree and a certification in one of the fields ranges from $55,000 to $65,000 annually. Paid internships range from $17 to $25 an hour.

Students interested in the Fellowship should reach out to Rob Tudor, Nashville State IT partnerships director, robert.tudor@nscc.edu, or visit: nscc.edu/darrell-freeman-fellowship.

The College is always developing corporate or individual partnership and engagement opportunities to support students and in academic programs to make sure it is meeting local industry needs. For any organization or individual looking to partner, please reach out to Nashville State Community Foundation Executive Director Cecily Freeman Stone at cecily.freeman@nscc.edu.               

Photo (left to right): Nicole Hubbs, director, Nashville State Welcome Center and Career Services; Rob Tudor, director, Nashville State IT Partnerships; Dr. Jo Williams, dean, Nashville State STEM Division; Nathan Freeman, son of the late Dave Freeman; Dr. Shanna L. Jackson, president, Nashville State; Eric Peters, president, BGSF Professional Division; Ralph Schulz, president and CEO, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce; Cecily Stone, executive director, Nashville State Foundation; Joseph Johnson, executive director, Nashville State Workforce and Community Development. 

19 NSCC faculty have earned the ACUE Microcredential in Promoting Active Learning.

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

ACUE badge image
ACEU Badge

During the last months of the fall semester, these faculty engaged in professional learning about developing effective class sessions and lectures, teaching powerful note-taking skills, using groups to ensure active learning, using the active learning cycle, planning effective class discussions, and facilitating engaging class discussions. These faculty learning about active learning, implemented active learning teaching practices in their courses, reflected on these teaching practices, and planned for how to continue using active learning practices in their courses for the future. Please join The Teaching Center in congratulating these faculty on their achievement.

  • Amy Blum
  • Bir Bohara
  • Michael Glenn
  • Melissa Fleck
  • Jennifer Goncalves
  • Beth Gorham
  • Jeff Green
  • Thomas Holmes
  • Janessa Jacobs
  • John Knox
  • Rachel Lewis
  • Landon Mason
  • Aggie Mendoza
  • Emily Naff
  • James Rollins
  • Kassidy Schmidt
  • Michele Singletary
  • Leah Welker
  • Donna Whitehouse

23 NSCC faculty have earned the ACUE Micro-credential in Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment. 

ACUE Badge

During the fall semester, these faculty have engaged in professional learning about creating inclusive and supportive learning environments, implemented inclusive and supportive practices in their courses, reflected on the impact of these practices, and planned for how to use these practices in their teaching moving forward.  Teaching practices included focusing on leading the first day of class, promoting a civil learning environment, engaging underprepared students, helping students persist in their studies, embracing diversity in the classroom, checking for student understanding, and providing useful feedback.

  • Amy Blum
  • Bir Bohara
  • Laura Burridge
  • David Edgington
  • Melissa Fleck
  • Michael Glenn
  • Jennifer Goncalves
  • Beth Gorham
  • Jeff Green
  • Thomas Holmes
  • Janessa Jacobs
  • John Knox
  • Rachel Lewis
  • Landon Mason
  • Aggie Mendoza
  • Emily Naff
  • Maayan Ornath
  • Kassidy Schmidt
  • Michele Singletary
  • Omari Smith
  • Leah Welker
  • Donna Whitehouse
  • Robin Cooper-Wilbanks

Hospitality Program Leading Collaboration to Train and Hire Industry Professionals

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Collaboration on common purpose is always good.

Local hospitality leaders have been working together to improve access to and visibility of the numerous career paths in a flexible, rewarding, creative, and teamwork-driven profession. The most recent meeting was held on Nashville State’s White Bridge campus and led by Hospitality program director Thom Druffel, who is a long-time hospitality industry professional.

Photo of Local hospitality leaders meet on White Bridge Rd CampusPhoto of Local hospitality leaders meet on White Bridge Rd Campus

Staff Assembly Update!

by Renee Johnston, Chair

Greetings from Staff Assembly!

We are excited to accept Dr. Jackson’s challenge to pursue excellence as employees of Nashville State Community College!  Staff Assembly is committed to supporting all staff members in this pursuit.  Opportunities to continue our intentional focus on professional growth will include:   

  • The Development of an individualized Professional Development Plan
  • CAP Certification study cohort
  • Positive communication skills

As we lean into Vision 2030, we must broaden our skillsets and lengthen our stride, for…

“Excellence is never an accident. It is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.”


Staff Assembly wants to help staff members link arms through this process.

All staff are welcome to join us in our monthly meeting. Meetings are held virtually through Teams on the third Wednesday of each month from 2:00-3:00 pm.

2023-2024 Financial Aid FAFSA & Events

by Mary A. Louis, Assistant Director, Financial Aid Office

New and returning students who plan to attend college in Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024 should complete the 2023 – 2024 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) with 2021 tax information. Nashville State and many other institutions and organizations utilize the FASFA information to determine student financial aid eligibility. In addition, based on the correct FAFSA information and student eligibility, the Federal Department of Education provides more than $112 billion in grants, loans, and work-study funding annually to help students pay for higher education. See the FAFSA process infographic.

For students to correctly complete and submit the FAFSA, the Financial Aid Office plans to have Financial Aid FAFSA events every Fall and Spring. As many of you know, we held the ‘Get Your Ducks in a Row FAFSA’ event this past October. The event was only successful with the help of my colleagues in the Financial Aid Office. I want to thank my office for contributing to this event, the Welcome Center, TSD, the Library, Communications and Marketing, Student Life, Bookstore, and the whole campus community.

The Financial Aid Office strives to be seen as the bad good guys (I think that is a future FAFSA theme – stay tuned to the development, or feel free to let me know a theme that would be fun) and will assist students in completing the FAFSA. In February, our theme is based on the show FRIENDS – ‘Financial Aid Will Be There For Our Students!’ We will be helping students complete the FAFSA in person and via Zoom during the second and third weeks of February. We will also support our extended campuses during the third week of February to help students who attend their locations complete the FAFSA.  

If the Financial Aid Office has yet to tell you before, thank you; Nashville State, for all you do in helping the Financial Aid Office in assisting our students!

FAFSA Poster
Chris Saunders Headshot

Facilities Management Department Report

Christopher Saunders, CFM, Executive Director of Facilities Management

We had 6 water leaks on the White Bridge Road and South East Campuses happen on Christmas Eve. A special thanks goes to the staffs from Security, TSD, FM, the affected campuses and the many contractors who responded to address the issues and clean up during the Christmas Holidays. 

The Current NSCC Projects: 


  • Designer submitting design concepts – UNDERWAY


  • New Campus – COMPLETE 
Photo of Dickson Campus 01 jan2023Photo of Dickson Campus 02 jan2023Photo of Dickson Campus 03 jan2023Photo of Dickson Campus 04-jan2023Photo of Dickson Campus 05 jan2023Photo of Dickson Campus Move In 01 jan2023

North Davidson:

  • Security systems to White Bridge Road Systems– FINALIZING
  • Exterior doors Card Access– FINALIZING
  • AIA Punch list – FINALIZING


  • Refurbishment Project – Defining Scope – COMPLETE 
  • Testing Center – Flood Damage – COMPLETE
Photo of SE Campus Teaching Center water damage-01-jan2023Photo of Southeast Campus Teaching Center water damage 02-jan2023Photo of Southeast Campus Teaching Center water damage-03-jan2023Photo of SE Campus Testing Center cleanup - jan2023Photo of SE Campus Testing Center cleanup 02-jan2023


  • Labs 99% COMPLETE 

White Bridge Road: 

  • A Building Flood Refurbishment – COMPLETE 
  • The H-Building Nursing move to K-Building – COMPLETE 
  • H- Building Construction Project – Construction Drawings – Budget – Pre – Bid to GC – FINALIZING  
  • LED Project – 99% COMPLETE    
  • Central Plant Project – PRE-BID 
Photo of WBR Building A water damage 01-jan2023Photo of WBR Building A water damage 02-jan2023Photo of Building-A-new-tile-01-jan2023Photo of Building A-new-tile-02-jan2023Photo of WBR Nursing Labs-jan2023Photo of WBR Nursing Labs 02-jan2023Photo of WBR-Nursing Labs 03-jan2023

The NSCC Voice

Founded 2017

Cliff Rockstead, Managing Editor
David Gerth, Assistant Managing Editor
Dale Rogers, WordPress Wrangler and Layout Editor
Isabella Putman, on assignment

January 2023 Contributors

Amy S. Bryant
Janet Dennis
Tom Hayden
Dr. Shanna L. Jackson
Renee Johnston
Dr. Faye Jones
Mary A. Louis
Christopher Saunders