June 2023 Volume 6 Issue 11

Update from the President

by Dr. Shanna L. Jackson

June 1 marked the beginning of my sixth year as President of Nashville State. I can still remember my first day. It was a Friday, and I will never forget Judy Cook opening the door to let me in with my boxes of knick knacks for my office. Then the next week, Ellen Zink followed me around campus capturing my interactions with students, staff and faculty. I also recall getting lost, several times, in the maze of hallways connecting the W, A and C buildings.

As I look back on the last five years, it has been filled with both celebrations and challenges. But through it all we have remained Nashville State Strong! Which is not just a statement I like to say but the truth about who we are when we stand together for the greater good.

During my tenure we endured a cyber-attack, tornadoes, a derecho, a global pandemic and a historic flood. Yet, we persevered. We marched into the unknown together, navigated the changes, and supported each other and our communities.

And then we harnessed that perseverance and set out to thrive despite it all. We are building a Culture of Excellence in People, Places and Programs by continuing to make investments in holistic support for students and professional learning opportunities for every employee. I am proud of the work we have done to launch the Student Success Center, the Welcome Center, the Teaching Center, the Campus Cupboards, our new North Davidson Campus, Vision 2030 with our LEADS Core Values. All of these efforts along with several others and the good work you are doing are positioning the college for great success.

Today, I am filled with the same hope and excitement I felt that very first day. Because of what we have already accomplished together, I am confident that we will continue to build great things for our students and the communities we serve as we keep Moving Forward towards Vision 2030.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the college and our students. Each of you is an important and unique part of the Nashville State family, and I am grateful to serve alongside you.

It is my great honor to serve this college.


College Planning Council

by Donna Whitehouse, Associate Professor, Interim Dean, Healthcare Professions; Achieving the Dream Coordinator; Project Manager, Office of the President

The Nashville State Community College Planning Council annually targets one big question that impacts the college as a whole. During the 2022–2023 academic year (AY), this question was “What does it mean to be a student-ready, or student-centered, college?

The College Planning Council has two subgroups to facilitate innovation around the selected question.

The Strategy Development sub-council is comprised of the elected chairs of constituency groups (Faculty Senate, Staff Assembly, Administrative Assembly), the Vice President of the Student Government Association (SGA), and the college’s Compliance and Diversity Officer. Using the Simplex method for innovation, this group seeks to further define the targeted question through facilitated conversations, all the while gathering feedback from members of the college-wide community via constituency groups and committees. The Strategy Development Sub-Council met over a period of 6 months to discern an answer to our “big question,” resulting in the answer:

“Being student-centered at Nashville State means that every student will have a plan designed for them. This plan will not only identify an academic path but will connect students to resources and opportunities that align with their identified goals.” Nashville State’s mascot is Finn the Falcon; these individualized success plans will be called “Flight Plans.”

The second sub-council, called Alignment and Integration, is composed of all Associate Vice Presidents as well as the Executive Director of Enrollment Management. This group is charged with taking the idea of the “Flight Plan” and bringing it into reality. They will do that through seeking feedback from faculty, staff, and students as to what that “Flight Plan” should include and how it might be accessed. Development of the “Flight Plan” will be the work of the Alignment and Integration group through the 2023–2024 academic year.

The Falcon Awards and Tennessee Flavors Update

by Ryan Parker, Development Officer, NSCC Foundation

Nominate a Deserving Nashville State Technical Institute or Nashville State Community College Alumnus!

Nashville State Community College Foundation will host the inaugural Falcon Awards celebrating our Alumni. The Falcon Awards will highlight outstanding Nashville State Alumni in recognition of significant professional achievement and service to their community. Do you know an alum who deserves to be recognized? Use the following categories below to make your nomination. Self-nominations accepted.

Distinguished Alumnus of the Year

  • Nominee must have graduated from Nashville State Community College or Nashville State Technical Institute.
  • Nominee sets a standard of excellence in their career field or industry.
  • Nominee must demonstrate exemplary volunteerism leadership and serve as a positive example to their community.

Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year

  • Nominee must have graduated from Nashville State Community College within the last 10 years. 
  • Nominee sets a standard of excellence in their career field or industry.
  • Nominee must demonstrate exemplary volunteerism leadership and serve as a positive example to their community.

To complete a nomination, you will need to submit the form and send supporting documentation by July 7, 2023.

Save the Date

The Falcon Awards
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Tennessee Flavors

Tennessee Flavors was huge success raising over $101,000 for our Beyond Financial Programs and scholarships for Nashville state. Special thank you to our sponsors, vendors, in-kind donors, silent auction donors, and those who attended the event. Your commitment will help us provide more students with support when it is needed the most, from childcare and textbook assistance to emergency groceries and gas. Nashville State students who have received this support have a higher success rate than their peers – your generosity is making Nashville’s workforce stronger!

Special Thanks To: Volunteers, Maintenance and Facilities, TSD

Save the Date

Tennessee Flavors 2024
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Photo of Tom Hayden, VP Marketing

Dr. Rothstein Participates in College-Going Rate Panel Discussion

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Dr. Carol Rothstein participated in a panel discussion about an increase in the statewide college-going rate. The event was hosted by the Howard Baker Center for Public Policy, Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research, Tennessee SCORE, and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.

The panel discussed opportunities for collaboration across different sectors—industry, school systems, and various segments of higher education.

Devora Manier Selected by U.S. Department of State for Prestigious Virtual English Language Educator Program

Press Release submitted by Devora Manier, Associate Professor, ESL

The U.S. Department of State announced the selection of Devora Manier of Tennessee for a virtual project, engaging with English language learners and teachers online in Thailand at Yala Rajabhat University. Ms. Manier is among the first to be selected for the Virtual English Language Educator Program, a new program created for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Ms. Manier is an Associate Professor at Nashville State Community College where she has taught English as a Second Language since 1996. She will be leading conversational English sessions in five courses at Yala Rajabhat University and assisting local professors with course design and development.

The Virtual English Language Educator Program is the premier online opportunity for experienced teachers of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) to enact meaningful and sustainable changes in the way that English is taught abroad. Through projects developed by U.S. Embassies in more than 80 countries, Virtual Educators work with local teachers, students, and educational professionals to improve the quality of English language instruction offered at prestigious universities, academic institutions, and cultural centers.

English Language Programs has placed thousands of TESOL scholars and educators with international partner institutions, abroad and virtually, to promote English language learning, enhance English teaching capacity, and foster mutual understanding between the U.S. and other countries through cultural exchange. These projects are challenging and the teachers selected represent the best of the U.S. TESOL community. Virtual Educators are among the more than 50,000 individuals participating in U.S. Department of State exchange programs each year.

English Language Programs is administered by the Center for Intercultural Education and Development at Georgetown University.

For further information:

Virtual English Language Educator Program, outreach@elprograms.org, 202-687-0997

Office of English Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State, ECA-Press@state.gov,  202-632-6452

Amy Bryant Headshot

Fall Forward

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

Fall Forward 2023! Embrace the opportunity to learn by falling forward. When we try new things, sometimes they work, and other times they don’t. Both help us to grow and learn.

Join The Teaching Center for professional learning to Take ChancesLook for Opportunities, and Fall Forward August 10 – 17, 2023. Over 30 professional learning sessions will be available. 

NSCC participants who engage in 8 professional learning sessions presented by the Teaching Center and Online Learning between August 10 and 17 will earn the Fall Forward 2023 badge. View the Fall Forward Conference Schedule online: https://ww2.nscc.edu/theteachingcenter/fall-forward/.

Office of Communication and Marketing Wins Awards

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Nashville State’s Office of Communications and Marketing was recently presented with Nashville’s Biggest Impact Award by Adsposure. The Transit Awards celebrated the top transit advertising campaigns from the various markets and transit systems that Adsposure serves.

Ellen Zink, the College’s director of marketing, created the winning design for 2022. Ellen took it a step further for 2023’s design to match new branding, which can be seen on the website, billboards, and various marketing materials.

The College’s graphic designer and webmaster Isabella Putman recently captured a 2023 Communication Award from the Tennessee College Public Relations Association for her design of the Clarksville campus 10-year anniversary brochure.

Julie Williams Headshot

NSCC Selected as a First Scholars Network Member

by Dr. Julie Williams, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs

The Center for First-generation Student Success, an initiative of NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) and The Suder Foundation, recently announced Nashville Stateas one of seventy-six new members of the First Scholars Network for 2023-24. To be selected as a First Scholars Network member, Nashville Statedisplayed a demonstrated commitment to improving experiences and advancing success for first-generation college students.

Powered by the Center for First-generation Student Success, the First Scholars Network is a four-phase approach that allows institutions of higher education to advance student success through establishing communities of practice, gaining knowledge of resources, and establishing peer networks. More than 350 institutions of higher education have entered the Network, representing 49 states and the District of Columbia.

“The Center is pleased to welcome Nashville Stateinto the First Scholars Network,” said Dr. Sarah E. Whitley, vice president with the Center for First-generation Student Success. “Through the application process, it was evident that Nashville Stateis not only taking steps to serve first-generation students but is prepared to make a long-term commitment and employ strategies that foster an environment of success for this important population.”

In this first phase of the First Scholars Network, selected institutions participated in the First Scholars Network Virtual Kick-off on June 2, 2023. As a Network Member, interested faculty and staff are afforded opportunities to engage with peer institutions also working to create environments that improve the experiences and success of first-generation students, and will participate in monthly calls, professional development, goal setting, blog development, annual reporting, and more.

After successful completion of the Network Member phase, institutions progress to the second phase, First-gen Forward, after which it is eligible to become a First Scholars Institution. First Scholars is the third phase of the First Scholars Network and serves as the Center’s customized approach to intentional institutional transformation in an effort to advance student outcomes. Ultimately, all Network institutions strive for national leadership as a First Scholars Champion Campus. If you are interested in learning more about Nashville State’s first-generation efforts or would like to become involved as we progress through the phases, please contact Julie Williams, AVP of Student Affairs at Julie.williams@nscc.edu. To learn more about the Center for First-generation Student Success, visit firstgen.naspa.org.

News Releases

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

This month we are trying a new approach to providing information to you. Instead of articles, we are providing links to items on the news page of NSCC.edu. Hope this is more efficient and let us know if it works for you. Feel free to email Thomas.Hayden@nscc.edu.

Nashville State Vice President of Academic Affairs and Workforce Selected for 2023 Leadership Class of Harvard Business School

Nashville State Announces Spring 2023 Academic Honors

Panah Finds Success in Providing Valuable Service

Chris Saunders Headshot

Facilities Management Department Report

by Christopher Saunders, CFM, Executive Director of Facilities Management

Facilities Management has worked with Kim Silverman and the different Campus Directors to make lists for their campuses summer projects. Jimmy Sugg has teamed with Chris Bledsoe to have our Routing Techs address the issues per a master schedule.


  • Project Design in progress


  • Pressure washing patio, sidewalk
  • Paint conference room
  • LED lighting in conference room and two bathrooms
  • Additional furniture from ED – UNDER REVIEW

Humphreys County

  • New Janitorial Contractor start up – Underway

North Davidson

  • Tile floor
  • New ice machine
  • Hood operational
  • FEMA trees repairs – underway


  • Refurbishment Project – Defining Scope – OUT TO BID
  • New Chiller Project – Commissioning – Underway

White Bridge

  • H – Building Construction Pkg – BID OPENING 6-14-23 – BID UNDER REVIEW
  • Central Plant Project – BID UNDER REVIEW

The Facilities Management Department has transitioned smoothly from Bill Houston, who moved to Florida, to Chris Bledsoe as the new FM Manager.

With the new leadership, the FM Team is well underway with the individual campuses summer projects.

Headshot of Janet Dennis

Human Resources News June 2023 

by Janet Dennis, Personnel Assistant, Human Resources

New Hires

William BottomsPolice OfficerPolice and Security Services
Brenda NorthProject Coordinator Advancing Workforce Equity GrantCenter for Workforce Development and Continuing Education
Riley Feest-WoodruffPolice OfficerPolice and Security Services
Timothy TorokPolice OfficerCenter for Workforce Development and Continuing Education

Status Change

NamePrior Position/TitlePrior DepartmentTo Current PositionTo Department
Jayla CrawfordRecords ClerkAdmissions and RecordsAdministrative AssistantWorkforce Development


Mary BellHigh School Initiatives SpecialistDual Enrollment
Chelsea SpenceDirector of FoundationPresident’s Office
Melissa ArismendyStudent Services Specialist I
Judy SmithTechnical System SpecialistTechnology Services Division

The NSCC Voice

Founded 2017

Cliff Rockstead, Managing Editor
David Gerth, Assistant Managing Editor
Isabella Putman, Layout Editor

June 2023 Contributors

Amy S. Bryant
Janet Dennis
Tom Hayden
Dr. Shanna L. Jackson
Devora Manier
Ryan Parker
Christopher Saunders
Donna Whitehouse
Dr. Julie Williams