October 2023 Volume 7 Issue 3

Update from the President

by Dr. Shanna L. Jackson


As the weather begins to cool and the leaves turn colors, I enjoy being outside to experience the change in seasons.  The older I get, the more I understand and appreciate that each new day is a gift.  What I am learning now is how to make the most out of each day and making time to do things I enjoy. That includes spending more time with our students and Falcons Family. 

Our work is so critical to the greater good.  Nashville State has the responsibility to help our region remain vibrant and thriving by providing education and training to the communities we serve.  That is why in addition to Vision 2030 and our LEADS Core Values, we must continue to invest in our greatest resource – ourselves.  It will take each of us working together to accomplish the bold targets of 2030.  I believe in you; I believe in us, and together we will!   

Below are a few updates for the Office of the President:

Ms. Telania Wrigley – I am excited to announce the appointment of Telania as our new Campus Director for Dickson and Humphreys County.  She joined Nashville State as the Clarksville Campus Coordinator after serving as the Registrar for Austin Peay State for over a decade.  She begins her new role November 1st.  She will focus on working with faculty, staff and the community to grow Humphreys County and the development of the new campus in Dickson.

Vice President of Academic Affairs and Workforce – Dr. Johannah Williams and Dr. Emily Erwin interviewed on campus on October 25 and 26.  Each day included one open forum for employees and students and one open forum for faculty; both forums were conducted in person and had livestream options.  An evaluation form was provided to allow the college community to provide feedback.

Enrollment Update – The second 7-week term and early registration for spring is underway. Stay Data-Informedby viewing our enrollment dashboards using these links:

Fantasy Football – After seven weeks, we still have three undefeated teams. Congratulations to Brawlers II (Mark Hodges), Snap Squad (Danielle Sullivan) and Don’s Apocalypse (Don Turner).  On the other end we still have 4 teams yet to win a game.  I decided to take it easy on the league this year, but I remain in playoff contention at 5-2. 

Poverty Presentation Save the date for November 17!  You are invited to attend a special presentation by Dr. Donna Beegle on how we can best support students who are living in or have experienced poverty. The presentation will be held in the morning on November 17 on the White Bridge Campus; the session will be recorded and livestreamed. More details to come.

Support – It is a challenging time both domestically and abroad for many.  Whether you or someone you care about is directly or indirectly impacted by what is happening around us, please know that you are not alone.  Falcons fly together and we must take care of both our physical and mental health.  Please remember EAP services are offered at no cost to all benefit-eligible employees and eligible family members. Visit Here4tn.comfor more information.

This month I celebrated my birthday, and I was overwhelmed with the well wishes, cards, beautiful plant, and delicious cake!  I want to thank everyone who contributed to making my day very special. 

I believe that this academic year will be one of continuous celebrations as we continue to build momentum towards Vision 2030.  Each day we have an opportunity to build the future we want for our college, our students and ourselves.  We are Nashville State Strong! Let’s continue to Move Forward, making each day count as we Fly together Falcons!

Student Spotlight!

By Jamica Hines, Campus Director/Associate Dean, Southeast Campus

Jonathan and Gwendolyn Greer are first year culinary students who have not been in school since the 1980’s. They both went to college and received a bachelor degree and got married a few years after working in their field, and they have been married 37 years. They have four children who have all received their degrees, now they get to see their parents back in college – “we always told our children to be a lifelong learner and we are living proof.”

Jonathan went to school in Michigan starting his college career at a community college, where he received his associates degree in science. He went to a four-year university where he graduated with his bachelor’s degree in Applied Math and Statistics. This is where he met his wife, Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn went to school in Michigan where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Upon graduation she worked in the field of accounting in various areas including auditing, taxes and teaching. She also started her own business with a cliental of small businesses where she prepared monthly statements and taxes. After working for a few years their family grew and she became a full- time mother after the third child was born and raised her four children.

Jonathan worked in the automotive industry for a number of years while obtaining his master’s degree in Manufacturing Engineering and had his own consulting business specializing in employee development. He went back to school to get a second masters in adult education but did not complete this degree. He also worked at a Community College for thirty-two years as a professor in various departments from business, mathematics, and manufacturing courses.

Jonathan retired in 2018 and decided to work at Kroger and asked his wife if she wanted to work with him, she decided to do so but after a year and a half she quit working, but Jonathan still works part-time. Jonathan has always loved trying new recipes, watching cooking shows, and has always wanted to study the Culinary Arts, so he asked his wife if she would like to go back to school with him and she said that would be fun doing that together.

They both enrolled in their first culinary class in January 2023.They have enjoyed their culinary experience tremendously and they both are Certified, as they just passed the ServSafe Manager Exam. They are well on their way with Academic Honor status and are having fun with the students and faculty.

The Workforce Minute

by Brenda North, Project Coordinator, Workforce Development and Continuing Education

The Center for Workforce Development & Continuing Education, under the Advancing Workforce Equity Grant, launched its “Ready to Reconnect” program in the Bordeaux Community on October 9, 2023. 

“Ready to Reconnect” was designed to empower individuals in underserved communities with exposure and resources to post-secondary educational options as well as high-quality, in-demand occupations.  The primary goal is to help individuals attain sustainable jobs with a living wage and benefits by providing career exploration support.

Cathedral of Praise Church, located in the heart of Bordeaux, is the pilot site for this human-centered approach to empowering unemployed or underemployed individuals to find the right solution to the problems they experience in achieving economic self-reliance. 

The program began with a two-week orientation that included a condensed version of NSCC 1010.  After consultation with Success/Coach Advisor, Dr. Kenisha Burke, regarding the workforce pathway they were interested in, students worked with Social Worker, Courtney Woodard, for information and/or referrals to wrap-around community services or needs the program could supply.  Students who completed this module received one academic hour course credit toward NSCC 1010, should they decide to pursue a credit certificate or degree.

Topics covered during orientation included First Impressions, Values, Persistence, Growth Mindset and Networking as well as presentations from Workforce Development & Continuing Education experts and motivational speakers. The students who completed orientation have already begun their workforce training, choosing the Patient Care Technician pathway! Congratulations to the first round “Ready to Reconnect” students!

Kelsey Johanssen headshot

S.O.A.R. Student Leadership Program at Nashville State

by Kelsey A. Johansen, M.Ed., Director, Student Life

Last Spring, Student Life launched the SOAR program for student leadership development at Nashville State. SOAR seeks to connect and incentivize students to take advantage of resources and opportunities for development pre-existing at NSCC, that will better prepare them for their next phase.

SOAR stands for the following:

S – Serving the Community: Students are required to complete 3 hours of service at a site of their choosing.

O – Orient to Nashville State: Participate in a club, join an honor society, or become a work study to better engage and connect with the college.

A – Achieve Personal Goals: Students set a SMART goal based on their personal aspirations for the semester.

R – Rise to Your Next Challenge: By attending a career or transfer fair, participating in a workshop, or meeting with the career center; students can progress to their next educational institution or professional endeavor.

A student signs up for the SOAR student leadership progam with Mary Troy.

By completing each of the categories during their time at Nashville State students can graduate with leadership distinction and receive an additional cord at graduation. Many students are already completing components of the program without realizing it, our goal is to connect students with other Nashville State development and preparation opportunities. 

Students can sign up via the website or can email student life for more information at studentlife@nscc.edu

If you or your campus would like more information on SOAR, please reach out to Kelsey.Johansen@NSCC for promotional supplies and handouts!

Amy Bryant Headshot

NSCC Employees Attend TBR Middle Tennessee Regional Drive-In

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

On October 24, 18 NSCC employees attended the TBR Middle Tennessee Regional Drive-in hosted by Nashville State Community College. Attendees joined colleagues from across middle Tennessee in learning about high impact practices (HIPs), implementing HIPs, and mindset and HIPs. Dr. Jessica Rabb and Dr. Eli Nettles presented during the drive-in sharing about their work at NSCC with HIPs and growth mindset.

Pictured from Left to Right: Quincy Rhoads, Jesmin Akther, Piper Sesnan, Laura Burridge, Rachel Lewis, Jessica Rabb, Maria Smith, James Rollins, Maryellen Nash, Danielle Sullivan, Neely Ann Sheucraft, Gracie King, Karen Kendrick, Amy Bryant

Not Pictured: Thomas Druffel, Ashudee Kirk, Eli Nettles, and Helen Kunkel

Faculty Earn ACUE Microcredential

by Amy S. Bryant, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director, The Teaching Center

16 NSCC faculty have earned the ACUE Microcredential in Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Learning Environment.  During this semester, these faculty have engaged in professional learning about creating inclusive and supportive learning environments, implemented inclusive and supportive practices in their courses, reflected on the impact of these practices, and planned for how to use these practices in their teaching moving forward.

Teaching practices included focusing on leading the first day of class, promoting a civil learning environment, engaging underprepared students, helping students persist in their studies, embracing diversity in the classroom, checking for student understanding, and providing useful feedback.

Belkis Barrios
Kristen Bradley
Courtney Foley
Michael Kiggins
Jennifer Knapp
Philip Lee
Diane Leonard
Eulunda Maxwell

Scott McRoberts
Zachary Mills
Barbra Mullaney
Eli Nettles
Marian Soliman
Dara Talibah
Breanna Waller
Beth Youngblood

October Student Life Events

by Kelsey A. Johansen, M.Ed., Director, Student Life

Chris Saunders Headshot

Facilities Management Department Report

by Christopher Saunders, CFM, Executive Director of Facilities Management

Listed below are the Facilities Management September Projects:

  • Clarksville:
    • The Design Team balanced the budget
    • Value engineering complete
  • Dickson:
    • New campus Design Team underway
  • Humphreys County
    • Falling ceiling tiles – burnt out lights changed out
  • North Davidson:
    • Floor surface, roof, HVAC issues addressed
    • FEMA trees replacement being addressed
  • Southeast:
    • New chiller – follow up commissioning project underway
    • Building refurbishment project value engineered – painting – signage – jail in progress (for correctional officer technical certificate)
    • Sprinkler system upgrades underway
    • Kitchen and laundry equipment to be purchased by NSCC
  • White Bridge:
    • H – K demolition is complete, studs installed in K
    • Central plant construction project combined with the water pit project

We thank everyone for their help in completing our work.

Headshot of Janet Dennis

Human Resources News

by Janet Dennis, Personnel Assistant, Human Resources

New Hires

Seth LataPolice OfficerPolice and Security Services
Travis VoorhiesInformation Security OfficerTechnology Services Division

Status Changes

NamePrior Position/TitlePrior DepartmentCurrent Position/TitleCurrent Department
Mary Elizabeth Wilson-PattonAssociate ProfessorSoutheast CampusProfessorSoutheast Campus


Janice BeasleyAdmission ClerkAdmissions and Records
David SanfordInstructional DesignerOnline Learning

The NSCC Voice

Founded 2017

Cliff Rockstead, Managing Editor
David Gerth, Assistant Managing Editor
Isabella Putman, Layout Editor

October 2023 Contributors

Amy S. Bryant
Janet Dennis
Tom Hayden
Jamica Hines
Dr. Shanna L. Jackson
Kelsey A. Jonhansen
Brenda North
Christopher Saunders