September 2021 Volume 5 Issue 2

Thumbnail photo of Shanna L Jackson

Update from the President

by Dr. Shanna L. Jackson


I am excited to share that TBR approved our Vision 2030: A Student Ready College strategic plan during the September 24th Quarterly Board Meeting.  We are now officially Moving Forward!  The College Planning Council has initiated the work to develop the detailed metrics and align our college-wide annual goals and strategies to our four strategic focus areas.  The next critical step is identifying how each of us individually and collectively supports Vision 2030 and, as important, how we model our core values LEADS (Learning, Equity Driven, Accountability, Data-Informed and Student-Centered). 

Below are updates from the Office of the President:

Humphreys County Campus – Thank you for answering the call and contributing to the Foundation and Charitable Solicitation Committee’s requests for donations to support those employees and students impacted by the flood.  While the remediation for the campus is complete, we do not have a firm estimate of repairs or a timeline to re-open.

Support – As a college and as individuals we have been facing a variety of ongoing challenges.  Although the degree may vary, I recognize all of us are impacted as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters.  I wanted to remind you that there is support for you and your families.  EAP services are offered at no cost to all benefit-eligible employees and eligible family members. Visit for more information.

Sharing the Good – There are many wonderful things happening at Nashville State! Please use consider using this Good News Submission Form to recognize an individual (faculty, staff, or student), department, program, or group that has had a significant accomplishment or made a difference. 

President’s Office – Please join me in welcoming Natalie Olsen, Executive Administrative Assistant, to Nashville State.  You will find more information about Natalie in this edition of the Voice.

Enrollment – At Census, we were down 6% in headcount and 5% FTE.  As a system, TBR Community Colleges were down an average of 7% headcount and 10.2% FTE based on preliminary 14th day data.  We have been identifying budget reductions in operations, not personnel, to offset the loss in revenue. 

To stay Data-Informed, please review the Fall Report provided by Institutional Research.

Vision 2030: A Student Ready College is not just a document, it is our North Star for creating a culture of student success.  Our targets, 10,000, 90, 60 and 30 are not just numbers but our bold aspirations to significantly improve access and student success at Nashville State.  Our ultimate goal is post-completion success – that is the true assessment of the educational experiences we provide.  We can do this Nashville State by working together!  When Nashville State LEADS, Students SUCCEED!

Photo of Tom Hayden, VP Marketing

Thom Druffel Named Director of Hospitality Program

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Thom Druffel has been hired as the director and an instructor of our Hospitality program. Druffel brings nearly 40 years of experience in the local hospitality industry.

Thom Druffell

“My focus is to bring industry best practices in leadership and service into the classroom, so students have both the knowledge and skills for long-term success,” said Druffel. “We plan on having strong skill development that will allow students to be job-ready at graduation. Our graduates are going to be ‘Ready to Serve, Ready to Lead’.”

Druffel plans on identifying career paths through the MNPS high school hospitality academies and with local hospitality staff that wants to grow their careers in leadership positions. Included in his goals is to expand minority development in hospitality leadership.

“Thom has the skill-set, professional reputation, organizational abilities, and network to take the hospitality program to new heights,” said Karen Stevenson, dean of the Business, Management and Hospitality Division. “Students will benefit greatly from Thom’s knowledge and experience.”

Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Carol Rothstein said, “With the College’s emerging Hospitality program, along with the Culinary Arts program, we are working to strengthen ties with local industry to be a key workforce solution partner and create a pipeline of sustained career success for our graduates.”

According to the Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp., Nashville had 16.1 million visitors in 2019. Hospitality is Nashville’s second-largest industry and is expected to continue growing and placing more pressure on the need for skilled professionals.

We offer students a variety of Hospitality Management programs to fit their needs and schedule, such as a Hospitality Management A.A.S., Hospitality Management Apprenticeship, Food and Beverage Management Technical Certificate, Food and Beverage Service Technical Certificate, Hotel Management Technical Certificate, and a Lodging Guest Service Technical Certificate.

In addition to the Hospitality program, Nashville State has a Culinary Arts program, with a state-of-the-art kitchen, led by award-winning, certified professional chefs. Both programs are located on the Southeast Campus.

For the past 19 years, Druffel has held the position of general manager at the Holiday Inn Vanderbilt (Inter Continental Hotels Group). He has also served as the vice president of operations for Prime Hospitality where he developed the portfolio to 42 hotels during a two-year span. From 1981 to 1999, Druffel was with Marriott, having served from 1994 to 1997 as regional vice president of Residence Inn by Marriott, Southeast, where he was responsible for 32 hotels.

Thom is active in the community holding several elected and appointed positions. He is the Metro Councilman for District 23. He chairs the Education Committee and is a member of the Budget and Finance Committee and the Convention, Tourism, and Public Entertainment Facilities Committee. Thom is also on the executive committee and board of directors for the Nashville After School Alliance (NAZA) and the Greater Nashville Hospitality Association. He is active with the Metro Nashville Public Schools Academies. Druffel is the recipient of numerous community awards.

Druffel earned a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management from Florida State University and a Master of Business Administration from California State Long Beach.

Twelve Questions with Evelyn T. Hadley

by Cliff Rockstead, Assistant Professor of Business, BMAH

Evelyn Hadley is the Special Assistant to the VP for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and has been at Nashville State 27 years. She Earned a B.A. in Human Resource Management from Trevecca University and an M.S. in Guidance and Counseling from Tennessee State University.

What are some favorite movies/TV shows?

  • The Holiday (2006)
  • Black Panther
  • Most of the Hallmark Channel Movies

If you could go back in time and witness one historic event, what would it be?

Not sure that I would want to go back. Please know that this is how I feel.  However, I am thankful for those that came before me and made the sacrifices so that I am able to do today and in the future.

How has your job changed this year?

My job has a more focused position on building relationships with our NSCC partners and organizations.  Reviewing how information flows to all parties and working to improve the system.  I work with Dr. Jackson to enhance her presence in the African American Community with leaders to broaden Nashville States reputation.

Researching tools that will assist us in producing a master calendar that the campus community will be able to use in scheduling events. 

This is not new in my job, however I wanted to share my thoughts on what Commencement means to me. Commencement has always been a focus of mine.  Always looking to improve each commencement and the flow of information.  We have a great team that works on commencement and I have always felt that our students, parents and loved ones of our graduates deserve the best commencement that we can give.

For the last two Commencements we transitioned to a virtual commencement and it was all hands-on deck.  It was our goal to make the virtual Commencement as important as the on-ground Commencement.  Whereas, students were not able to walk across the stage but they were able to gather their families where ever they were.

What are you currently reading?

Becoming Michelle Obama, By Michelle Obama

Who has inspired you in your life and how/why?

My father and my mother.

What is a favorite quote?

People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

What do you miss most about being a child?

My mom, dad, grandmother and all siblings.

What did you do before you came to Nashville state?

I worked for Tennessee State University in the Admissions/Recruiting Department.  Working in that area allowed me to actually learn more about setting up recruiting events locally, and in other cities across the U.S. I learned how to read a map (smile) visiting high schools in other towns and cities and having to navigate those cities. It was not in the age of google or these navigation apps we have today.  I had to also work with alumni across the country as well.  So, I am not too far off from what I did but enhanced here at NSCC.

What do you like best about working at Nashville State?

What I like best about NSCC is the sense of community.  Prior to working at TSU I worked for the University of Tennessee at Nashville which is TSU’s downtown campus now.  Nashville State reminds me so much of that campus.  It truly was a sense of family at that campus.

If you won $10 million in the lottery what would you do?

  • Pay off anything that I owe
  • Help my family
  • Invest
  • Build a scholarship endowment in honor of my mom and dad
  • Live conservatively to be able to build generational wealth

What hobbies do you enjoy?

Crafting, gardening, shopping, cooking good beautiful dishes and baking is my favorite.

What excites you for the future of Nashville State?

What excites me about the future of NSCC is seeing the outcomes of becoming a student ready college and how that will position us in the communities we serve.   I enjoy being a part of the change and to also continue to assist in developing students.

Staff Spotlight

by Renee Johnston, Staff Assembly Chair

Each month a deserving, hard-working staff member is chosen as NSCC’s Staff Employee of the Month. August 2021 Recognition goes to:

Jarvis Sims
Mail Courier/Copy Center Clerk

Jarvis, thank you for your smiling presence.

July 2021 Recognition goes to:

Jessie Angel
Library Assistant

Jessie, thank you for your dedicated service to our students!

Sharing the Good: Nashville State Testing Center Recertified

by Michelle Nelson, Director, Nashville State Testing Center

With millions of educational, certification, and licensure tests administered around the world every year, the need for secure testing environments and trained testing staff has never been greater.  One local test center has set the bar high for other post-secondary test centers and achieved national status as a leader in excellent testing practices.

We are proud to announce the Nashville State Community College Testing Center has been recertified by the National College Testing Association (NCTA).  Criteria for certification are rigorous and are based on the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines, which were developed to guide post-secondary test centers in the delivery of quality testing programs. 

Our Nashville State Community College Testing Center is one amongst a growing number of test centers in the United States and around the world to have completed this intensive recertification process.  This recertification will be in place for five years and can be renewed by demonstrating continued compliance to national standards.

NCTA extended congratulations to Michelle Nelson and the entire staff at the Nashville State Community College Testing Center for maintaining high test administration standards and for providing excellent service to a wide variety of students and community members in the performance of their duties. 

The National College Testing Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of professionalism and high-quality service in the administration of testing programs, offers certification to college and university test centers that demonstrate exemplary practices.  NCTA membership numbers more than 2,200 testing professionals from 650 colleges and universities as well as 50 test companies and organizations offering test-related products and services. For more information visit:

Contact the Nashville State Community College Testing Center at 615-353-3564 for more information about the numerous testing services provided, or go to our website:

Thumbnail photo of Shanna L Jackson

Sharing the Good!

by Shanna L. Jackson, President

Natalie Olson joined Nashville State September 16th as the Executive Administrative Assistant to the President. She relocated with her husband and son from the Chicago area, where she had worked as the Executive Assistant and operations director for the children’s ministry at Christ Community Church, a multi-site church in St. Charles, IL.

Natalie served as the chairperson for the U-46 Citizen’s Advisory Council, a community organization that advised the Board of Education and senior staff of the second largest school district in Illinois, and worked in direct marketing and magazine publishing.

Originally from Huntington Beach, California, Natalie is a graduate of Golden West Community College, California State University, Fullerton, and Northwestern University, where she earned her master’s in journalism. Her two daughters recently left the nest with her oldest now attending Baylor University’s master’s program in school social work and her younger daughter working in interior architecture in San Diego.  

Natalie Olsen Headshot
Ashley Vaughn Headshot

Ashley Vaughn joined Nashville State August 16th as the Secretary II in the Office of the President. 

She came to us from Fisk University, where she worked in the registrar’s office for 4 years. At Fisk, she assisted with graduation, processed transcripts, and education verification.

Ashley is a Nashville native. She graduated from Whites Creek High School and Tennessee State University, with a degree in Psychology. Ashley has a 7-year old daughter who loves animals and horseback riding. Ashley likes to shop, go to the park with her daughter, and spend time with her family.

Please welcome Ashley to NSCC!

Ask the Jolly Librarian (and Learn about College Resources)

by Faye Jones, Ph.D. Dean, Learning Resource Center

Dear Jolly Librarian: My neighbor’s dog has taken to stealing my newspaper each morning. I go inside to watch the news, but there’s too much yelling. Besides, although it may mark me as old-fashioned, I prefer a newspaper. Until Rover goes through doggie training, am I destined to be ignorant? 

Signed, Used to be a Dog Lover

Dear Dog Lover: As someone who has more than once eagerly gone to pick up her Sunday paper from the front step only to find it missing, the Jolly Librarian sympathizes. And as someone who works in a library, she applauds your commitment to quietness. The Mayfield Library subscribes to the print editions of The Tennessean, USA Today, and the Nashville Business Journal. Perhaps, however, you are like the Jolly Librarian who finds it more soothing to read the news in the privacy of her office where no one can see her horrified facial expressions. If so, make a cup of tea and go to the library databases where you can find the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and The Tennessean online. To find them go to the library database page (, and click on “N,” “W,” or “T.”  The NYT will require you to register, and then you have access for a year. The vendors for the Wall Street Journal and The Tennessean are a little different. There you will need to go into advanced search and choose the current day. The news items will appear in list form.

 Ignorance averted.

Dear Jolly Librarian:  I work on the Clarksville campus and heard that you have the latest in Peter Robinson’s Inspector Banks series at WBR. I don’t have time to drive to Nashville to check it out. I guess I’ll never get to read it. Life is so unfair.

Signed, Never Knowing How It Ends

Dear Never: Life is indeed unfair, but not for you. Your library will send books by courier to your campus for your reading enjoyment. Email the Jolly Librarian ( The book will be checked out in your name, and Jarvis will deliver it to your campus.

Committee on Committees Update

by Donna Whitehouse, Associate Professor, OTA Program Coordinator, NSCC Achieving the Dream Project Manager, Office of the President

The Committee on Committees is pleased to share with the Nashville State community the college-wide committee information is now accessible for all.

The COC, all current and former members, have worked diligently to organize information and committee expectations in a way that supports shared governance and transparency in the work of the college. 

This is our first year with this system. There will be updates and tweaks along the way; we appreciate your patience as we work through this inaugural year. 

For all chairs and secretaries, thank you for participating in training to date and for your work in keeping all members of the NSCC community up to date on your work. 

If you have questions, please reach out to any of the COC members: 

Donna Whitehouse, Amy Bryant, Lisa Fletcher, Jeff Green, Evelyn Hadley, Robin Jones, Natalie Olsen

Kurdish Language Classes!

by Patricia Armstrong, PhD, Dean, English, Humanities, and Creative Technologies

In collaboration with Indiana University-Bloomington (IU), Nashville State will be offering two levels of Kurdish language classes using materials developed by linguists and second language acquisition specialists at IU. We were chosen to participate in this Title VI-funded grant due to the significant population of Kurdish speakers in Nashville, particularly in our Southeast Campus service area, which is currently estimated at 15,000.

Registration is now open for two Kurdish classes at Nashville State, both to be taught every Wednesday evening from October 6 to December 15 at our Southeast Campus at 5248 Hickory Hollow Pkwy in Antioch.

Kurdish for Heritage Speakers will run from 6 to 7:25 p.m.

Basic Kurdish will run from 7:35 to 9 p.m.

Please use the link below each course to register.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or to call me at 615.353.3758.

I am so pleased that we are able to offer these classes to the Nashville Community.

Photo of Tom Hayden, VP Marketing

Lipscomb University and Nashville State Announce Partnership

by Tom Hayden, Associate Vice President, Office of Communications and Marketing

Students at Nashville State Community College have a new pathway to earning a bachelor’s degree thanks to a new partnership with Lipscomb University’s online program.

Shanna L. Jackson, Nashville State Community College president, and Candice McQueen, Lipscomb University president, along with other college representatives announced the new articulation and transfer agreement in a ceremony held at Nashville State’s White Bridge campus on Tuesday, Sept. 28.

PHOTO: Nashville State Community College President Dr. Shanna L. Jackson and Lipscomb University President Dr. Candice McQueen signing an articulation agreement providing a pathway to a bachelor’s degree at Lipscomb Online for graduating Nashville State students who want to continue their education.

The articulation and transfer agreement allows students who complete an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree at Nashville State to seamlessly transfer to Lipscomb to earn a bachelor’s degree through its online program.

“Nashville State has been a strong partner with Lipscomb University for a number of years. This agreement solidifies that partnership and the pathway it provides for students to continue to pursue their educational goals after they graduate from Nashville State,” said Lipscomb University President Candice McQueen. “We look forward to this collaboration and in partnering together to make a difference in the lives of students.”

The agreement defines academic and administrative coordination between both institutions. Students who successfully complete the associate degree offered by Nashville State are eligible to receive a 20% tuition discount when they enroll in Lipscomb Online. Lipscomb Online provides a flexible and convenient way for students to continue their studies to earn a bachelor’s degree. Undergraduate programs are offered in business leadership, customer experience, data analytics, entertainment management, hospitality management, integrated studies, organizational communication, psychology, public administration, strategic leadership, supply chain and operations management, technology management and nursing.

“At Nashville State, we remain focused on establishing strong transfer pathways for our students and appreciate Lipscomb University’s collaborative spirit and work to make this partnership a reality,” Dr. Jackson said. “Knowing the flexibility provided by online learning and that many of our programs align, Lipscomb Online is an option worth exploring for any graduating Nashville State student.” Dr Jackson added, “she appreciates the collaboration with Lipscomb and for the way the partnership will benefit students and the community.”

To qualify for the tuition discount, students must meet the admissions requirements of Lipscomb’s online program, must apply for admission and be accepted by the university. For more information about Lipscomb Online or to apply, visit

About Nashville State Community College
Nashville State Community College provides comprehensive educational programs and partnerships, exemplary services, an accessible, progressive learning environment, and responsible leadership to improve the quality of life for the community it serves.  With soon to be seven campuses and virtual and online options, the college serves a broad geographic area comprising Davidson, Cheatham, Dickson, Houston, Humphreys, Montgomery, and Stewart counties. Nashville State offers more than 80 associate degree and certificate programs of study, some of which can be completed in one year, that prepare students to enter the workforce or transfer to a university upon graduation.

About Lipscomb University
Lipscomb University is a vibrant Christian, liberal arts community with a student body of nearly 5,000 students that represent more than 52 nations and 32 religious’ preferences. Located in the heart of Nashville, Lipscomb University is committed to developing students whose academic excellence, faith and practice reflect our ideas of global citizenship and offers more than 176 undergraduate majors and minors, 60 master’s degree programs and four doctoral degree programs. The institution also includes Lipscomb Academy, a PreK2-12th grade college preparatory school of more than 1,300 students. For more information, visit
Dale Rogers Headshot

Students create tutorial page for Campus Cupboard

By Dale Rogers, Assistant Professor, Visual Communications

Campus Cupboard Landing Page

Each Spring Semester, the students of the Multimedia Design Program create a project for a client as the class project for COM 2700 Practicum/Multimedia. In Spring 2021 that project was the landing page for the Campus Cupboard on the Nashville State Foundation website,

The students worked with the Foundation’s Michelle Joyner, and Tom Hayden, AVP Office of Communications and Marketing, to guide the look and message of the page. 

The Multimedia Design Concentration is multidisciplinary and includes video, image editing, audio, photography, UX and UI design, and interactivity. It’s a fast paced two-year program. After our initial meeting, the class developed the outline, scripts, storyboards, page and video assets, did voice-overs, screencasts. I helped them get the assets on the page and customized WordPress. 

Chris Sauders Headshot

Maintenance and Operations Department Report

by Christopher Saunders, CFM, Executive Director of Operations and Facilities

Some of the Facilities Management Projects currently underway on the NSCC Campuses: 

  • All Campuses: PPE Support for the Pandemic
  • Clarksville LED – Camera Project: Design Engineers ready to Bid project after TBR Review
  • Humphreys County/Waverly:  Hygienist Testing Underway, Temporary Furniture being gathered 
  • North Davidson Campus:  Irrigation, Landscaping, Wood Ceiling, Tile, Carpet, final Coats of Paint, Lab Floors, Office Hallway Windows, Front Parking Lot, Overflow Basin are all being completed
  • Southeast Campus: Permanent Chiller locations being reviewed by Consultants
  • White Bridge Road – LED Lighting Project: TBR Project being Bid for the W – S Buildings 
  • White Bridge Road – Welcome Center: Glass windows being installed, doors hung with glass inserts, front door and wood ceiling pending

Thank you all for your support during the last two – three years, in the next 60 – 90 days the end results will have been worth our combined efforts!

Human Resources News

by Janet Dennis, Personnel Assistant, Human Resources

Please welcome our new employees to NSCC!

Natalie OlsonExec. Admin. Assist to the PresidentPresident’s Office09/16/21
Ashley VaughnSecretary IIPresident’s Office08/16/21
Congratulations for a Change in Status!
Lisa ShawScholarship CoordinatorFinancial Aid09/15/21
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