So You Want to Write a Problem-based Case Study?
Faculty involved in authoring Problem-based Case Studies follow a process as designers by developing twelve components.
- The blank Design Tool can be used to guide development each component of a case.
- You can use the instructions provided in the Design Tool with explanation as you work in a team.
You can also use the Learning Cycle to design your PBCS.
- The Students’ View of the Learning Cycle offers questions you can guide students to ask of themselves as they work the PBCS.
- The User Template of the Learning Cycle can be used as a design tool for you as an author of the PBCS and/or students as they work the PBCS.
For example: One team from Virginia presented their “building a PBCS steps” in a PPT during their Institute experience. Review the PPT to see the components from the Design Tool.
Criteria for the PBCS are identified as "indicators." Questions that prompt evidence of understanding are presented as "facets." You can download the documents shown below to access the indicators and questions.
- You can use the Indicators for PBCS as a rubric to guide the development of your case.
- Use the "six facets of understanding" to develop questions that prompt depth of competence. .
Use the NEED TO KNOW BOARD as a tool to help learners visually display thoughts about the situation.
The Need to Know Board can be downloaded for learners to record facts, assumptions, questions and resources.
Example of video introduction to a problem-based case study.