Cyber Language Lab

ESL Center


ESL Course Links



Course Offerings

Remedial and Developmental ESL Sections
Some students are required to complete college prep courses before beginning college level studies. Nashville State Tech provides special ESL sections which cover the same material as regular sections of college prep courses, but provide more work with vocabulary, grammar, and cultural issues. Upon successful completion of the college prep ESL sections, students move into college level course work with no further delays.

DSPR 0700- Remedial Reading
DSPR 0800 - Developmental Reading
DSPW 0700 - Remedial Writing
DSPW 0800 - Developmental Writing
DSPS 0800 - Study Skills
DSPM 0700 - Remedial Math

Continuing Education's ESL Courses
Many students are not ready for the college prep courses. While the school refers to the first level of college prep as basic, it is only basic for native speakers. If English is not your first language, especially if you have been speaking English regularly for less than three years, you may need to complete one or more Continuing Education course (s) before you are ready for the level of work in the college prep classes. Remember that the college prep classes were designed to meet the needs of students who have completed 12 years of school in English and who have lived most of their lives in this country.

Grammar Classes
ESOL 0151 - Grammar I - beginner ­ This course is course is for beginners and "false beginners." The focus of the course will be basic grammar structures for use in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Attention will also be given to teaching vocabulary.

ESOL 0152 - Grammar II - - high beginner - low intermediate -this course focuses on English grammar and using correct grammar in speech and writing, as well as expanding students' vocabulary.

ESOL 0153 - Grammar III - intermediate - high intermediate - this course is a continuation of ESOL 0152. It is recommended that students who need additional help with grammar above the level of ESOL 0152.

ESOL 0154 - Grammar IV ­ low advanced - advanced ­ This is an advanced grammar course that will complement higher level reading and writing courses such as DSPR and DSPW.

Speaking/ Listening Classes
ESOL 0121 - Conversational English I - beginner ­ This course is course is for beginners and "false beginners." This course will focus on basic speaking and listening skills.

ESOL 0122 - Conversational English II - high beginner - low intermediate - This course is designed to teach students how to make and understand conversation in English. Students should be able to talk about common topics and express opinions at the end of this course.

ESOL 0123 - Conversational English III - intermediate - high intermediate - This course is designed to continue the learning of ESOL 0122. At the end of this course students should be able to converse in more depth on social and academic topics and be able to participate in academic courses.

ESOL 0124 - Communication Skills for NonNative Speakers -high intermediate-advanced- This course is designed to prepare students for college speech classes as well as participation in professional communication.

Reading/Writing Classes
ESOL 0131 - Literacy Skills in English I ­ beginner ­ This course is for beginners and "false beginners." The course will focus on basic literacy skills including basic sentence structure and vocabulary building.

ESOL 0132- Literacy Skills in English II - high beginner - low intermediate - This course is designed to teach students who already have a basic knowledge of the English alphabet and oral skills to write grammatically correct sentences, read and under-stand simple paragraphs, and respond to the readings in writing.

ESOL 0133 - Literacy Skills in English III - intermediate - high intermediate - This course is designed as a continuation of ESOL 0132. The purpose of this class is to teach students basic paragraph form, basic summarizing skills, increase vocabulary and reading abilities. Students will read multiple paragraph stories and respond to them in writing.

English for Special Purposes
ESOL 0161 - Introduction to Business English - low advanced to advanced - This class teaches students whose first language is not English to improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills within the context of a workplace environment. Students will read workplace appropriate materials, conduct interviews, and learn to write business style reports.

ESOL 0162 -Advanced Business English ­ advanced - This class continues to teach students whose first language is not English to improve their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills within the context of a workplace environment. Students will read workplace appropriate materials, make presentations, and learn to write business style reports.