Learning Report: Nashville State Community College Web Design Capstone

Project Descripton

Upon completion of my time at Nashville State Community College, the pinnacle of my learning experience ends with the Web Design Capstone Project.  The project´s purpose is to create a transitional atmosphere for students to be first introduced to the web design field.  By centering our project outcome, web design for actual Nashville-based businesses, around our current curriculum, this project will validate our learning while attending NSCC.  Heavy emphasis was made on independent learning and problem solving at both an individual and group level, with the assumption the web team could rely on our core curriculum for the needed guidance.  Although our tour guide through this process, Dale Rogers, was always available for needed assistance, he also encouraged self-reliance as a crucial piece to our learning objectives.

In detail, the Nashville State Web Design Team (WDT) was presented with an opportunity to help pick and choose clients to work with throughout the semester.  It gave us our first challenge to find clients that could push our talents to extend our knowledge without enabling either too little or too much work.  The importance of that aspect could mean a make-or-break point for success of the project.  The clientele we decided upon truly accented the diversity of business partners any web team will work with in a professional atmosphere.  Client One, Denise Foxworth, is a recent addition to the middle Tennessee small business community with her endeavor LePooch & Company, a pet spa and boutique.  Client Two, Ray Langton, is a well-established member of the small business community with his company EnVigur Event Management, a company servicing upper management’s need for an all-encompassing business excursion in various exotic locales.  With one representing a brand-new web presence and the other a restructuring of a minimal web existence, we were given an exceptional project scope.