Are you ready to take an online course?

In order to be successful in online courses, know that you must possess certain attitudes, behaviors, and habits.

You might ask yourself, “What behaviors characterize a successful online student?” Review the list below to see what the research says.

You are comfortable communicating through writing.

Whether it’s using the Assignment Dropbox, participating in discussions, or writing essays, you’re likely to be doing a lot of writing in order to demonstrate your learning in an online course—and you’re okay with that.

You are willing to reach out for help should you feel you need it.

You know that as an NSCC student, you have a number of resources available to help you. Visit the Student Support page for a list of resources.

You are self-motivated.

Self-motivation is when you are able to work on your coursework without someone else influencing you to do so. You generally won’t be seeing your online instructor, and may not receive reminders about assignments coming due, so you tap into your own internal drive to make sure things get done on time. Also, you log in to your course most days a week to stay on top of updates, review feedback, and interact with your instructor and your peers.

You are self-disciplined.

You set aside specific times to work on coursework; you even use a planner, calendar, or app to help you set and meet deadlines. Also, you realize you should commit to working anywhere from 6 to 9 hours per week per three-credit class and put in the time necessary in order to be successful.

You have a comfortable study environment that is conducive to learning.

Maybe you have a desk in your bedroom where your computer and study materials are always stationed; maybe you take your laptop and books with you to the library most days a week. Either way, you have a space you can go to that allows you to focus on your studies and to produce your best work.

If the above characteristics sound like you, great! You might be a good candidate for online learning. If only a few or none of the above apply to you, don’t fret! You can still be successful in an online course.

Adapted from Illinois Online Network. 2018. “What Makes a Successful Online Student?”

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