Home Word PowerPoint Excel Access Installing
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Microsoft® Word 2003

Part I  Part II   Part III  Part IV  Part V  Part VI
Word Tip Sheet  Report Guidelines Sample MLA Paper

Part IV Instructions

Create a Table
Select Rows and Columns
Insert Rows and Columns
Delete Rows and Columns
Adjust Column Width
Align Text in a Column
Merge Cells
Split Cells
Add Borders and Shading
Table Properties

Activity V

Create a new file named class_schedule.doc. Create a table with your schedule of classes. Include three columns--the class rubric and section (EDUC 1000-300), beginning and ending class times, and days of the week the classes meet.


ENGL 1010-102 8:00-8:50 a.m. MWF
EDUC 1000-300 6:00-8:50 p.m. W
MATH 0800-103 9:00-9:50 a.m. MWF
OAD 1120-300 6:00-8:50 p.m. Th

Adjust the columns so they are about one-half inch wider than the content. Center the table horizontally on the page. Add a new row above the first row of the table. Add headers: Class, Time, and Day. Assign bold to the headers. Select the middle column and center the text in the column. Add another row at the top of the table. Merge the cells in the top row and key a title: Mary Smith's (insert your name)Schedule. Increase the font to size 16, add bold, and center. Assign a light blue  background to the table. Assign a light gray color to the title and header row. Save the file.



Go to Word Part III.      Go to Word Part IV.