On February 22 – 26, 2004, thirty-six participants who came in nine teams from high school academies, community colleges, universities, and business gathered learn how to design and implement Problem-based Case Studies.
The goals for the Institute were to:
- Produce a Problem-based Case Study for implementation in your local IT or ET program
- Assess and evaluate Problem-based Case Studies developed by faculty teams
- Examine implementation issues of using Problem-based Case Studies as innovative means to develop and deliver technical concepts and skills
The RESULT? The teams:
- produced at least a first draft or a good portion of a first draft of a Problem-based Case Study.
- worked within your team to flesh out your initial ideas brought to the Institute in the "six-page template" and then converted that into a PBCS Designer Version PBCS Template.
- included media pieces in your PBCS - audio and video and digital photos.
- presented your PBCS to two other teams, heard their feedback, discussed the issues of development, and then turned right around and helped the other teams in your group.
- reported out on your PBCS from the perspective of "backward design" - Identify desired results; determine acceptable evidence; and plan learning experiences and instruction.
- stuck with a very full schedule with great enthusiasm and energy, never stopped asking questions, laughed a lot, and worked hard.
What's NEXT?
Let us know where you are on:
- continuing to develop your PBCS or
- implementing your PBCS. We want to stay in touch.
Give The Case Files staff some feedback on the impact of the D & I experience.
- Reflecting back on the Institute, what do you find helpful now?
- What would you want to be different?