Jen Swain's Learning Report

Evaluation Criteria

Course Competencies

  • Prepare a website using industry standard XHTML with CSS, or Flash.
  • Publish a website using FTP software and other tools.
  • Create custom flash graphics in both FLA and SWF format.
  • Create custom raster graphics in both GIF and JPG format, including an image map.
  • Capture and resize photographs in a resolution suitable for the web.
  • Create or re-purpose written content which conforms to web standards for text.
  • Define and explain the concept of information architecture.
  • Recognize and apply layout design principles.
  • Recognize and apply typographic communication and design principles.
  • Create a flowchart, storyboard and a site map.

Core General Education Competencies

This course is designed to introduce, emphasize or reinforce the following competencies which have been designated as core requirements by NSCC.

  • To reinforce students ability to write clear, well-organized documents by requiring a written summary report and reflective writing assignments.
  • To reinforce students ability to locate, evaluate, and use multiple sources of information through assignments which require students to develop web page content.
  • To reinforce students ability to participate as team members and team leaders by occasionally breaking the class into teams or groups.
  • To reinforce students ability to use critical thinking skills through design analysis and presentation critiques.
  • To emphasize students ability to use and adapt current technologies through a study of and use of multiple digital media applications.
  • To reinforce students appreciation of cultural diversity and the influence of history and culture through an emphasis on designing web sites for a variety of demographics.
  • To reinforce students ability to apply scientific thought processes to a range of situations through software assignments.