Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Collapse of the State Route 69 Bridge
over the Tennessee River at Clifton, Tennessee

Office of the Attorney General, State of Tennessee
WJE No. 951078

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction
 1.1   Background
 1.2   Overview of Investigation
 1.3   Organization of Report
Chapter 2 - Description of Bridge and Erection Procedure
 2.1   Description of Bridge
  Bridge fabrication and modifications
 2.2   Superstructure Erection Procedure
Chapter 3 - Information from Time of Collapse
 Site Observations Prior to the Collapse
  Bridge erection status up to Thursday, May 11, 1995
  Friday, May 12, 1995
  Saturday, May 13 and Sunday, May 14, 1995
  Monday, May 15, 1995
  Friday, May 16, 1995
Chapter 4 - Chronology of Activities
 4.1   Site Conditions
  Removal of superstructure
  Underwater examination of girders
  Test sample removal
 4.2   Examination of Steel Superstructure
  Cross frame connections
  Girder Conditions
 4.3   Fabrication Issues
  Cross frame to stiffener connection
  Top flange plate length Girder G2
  Alignment of Girder G1 near Pier 15
  Field and shop splice bolt groups

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