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Welcome to our QEP

Improving Student Success through the First-Year Experience

On Your Mark!

Welcome to Nashville State! Our goal is to help you be successful. Your first year will get you off on the right foot. We are here to help.

Get Set!

Nashville State is required to develop a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that focuses on improving student success. The current QEP is “Increasing Student Success through the First Year Experience.” First year students will participate in five experiences that research has shown are important for long term student success.


These experiences are: New Student Orientation, the First Year Experience course (NSCC 1010), Academic Advising, Career Planning, and reflecting on the connection between education and personal growth. These experiences will provide students with the tools necessary to make a personalized academic plan, connect that plan to career goals, understand support resources available to them, comprehend value from academic course work that is directly applicable to their goals, and reflect upon how their education has affected their personal growth.


On Your Mark! Get Set! GO!

For more information contact: Jessica Rabb, jessica.rabb@nscc.edu.

QEP Narrative