Case-Based Learning Report


Image of letter C

This project is the culminating experience of my work here at Nashville State Community College. In addition to providing an opportunity to demonstrate the skills I have acquired through my tenure in the Visual Communications program, it allows me to address two fundamental questions:

1. Why do I feel I am ready to graduate?

I am feeling ready to graduate because NSCC have helped me so much to improve my knowledge and skills of Web Design for the past few years. I've gotten a lot of opportunity to study a lot of things and learning new challenges of taking on projects. I have several experiences that I enjoyed was when teachers share personal interests in what I do. I felt confidence enough that I have enough skills to take on a real job with the design team. I am more willing to learn a lot of more new things. I'm ready for the new challenge into the real world.

2. What value am I bringing to the workplace?

The values I am bringing to the workplace would be my determination to follow the policies and directions along with meeting the customer/client's needs. I have a lot of patience to figuring out problems and don’t get frustrated easily. I would be able to share interests with the clients and voice my opinions. I, also, have the determination to deliver the project(s) before the deadline.

This report will support the notion that I am ready to graduate and have marketable value to add to a company's team and bottom line.



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