Case-Based Learning Report

The Report

Image of letter R

At the beginning of semester, we all created questionnaire for each client. Afterwards, we meet the clients few weeks later. Jessica and I met with Denise to discuss her needs to create for the Le Pooch & Company business website. We showed her two choices of mockups, which was Joshua and mine. Denise decided to go with my design since it was more simple and clean.

On the next meeting was with Ray Langton, I missed the meeting due to being sick. We gathered information based on Jessica's outline from the meeting for EnVigur. Few weeks later, we meet with Ray again and I was available. We discussed on the final mockup design and going over Ray's needs for his business, EnVigur, website.

The team effort was going good at first. The only biggest problem we have as a team was to overcome was the lack of communication. The team is provided with technology of class discussion area that is on the school's server, Google Group discussion area, and private emails as well. We have improved a lot better with communication later in the semester. It did improved better afterwards when Mr. Rogers take over the role as Project Manager from Joshua.

With the team, the communication wasn't there sometimes. With Joshua, he hasn’t given me the timely feedback on the questions I've asked about the photos for EnVigur. To get the feedback as I wanted, I have to keep making new messages on the Discussion forum and emailed him several time to remind him to check the forum. As for Jessica with LePooch, she did not follow the mockup as it should be. I asked her a lot to tell me why the way things look like as she made them. I never got any reply afterwards. Not getting a timely feedback or responses made me feel ignored.

There were some time delays between the clients. For example, I made several mockups, one after another due to the client not liking the first few mockups, and wanted a feedback on it. The client took few days to a week to give a feedback. I'm assuming Mr. Rogers made the call to remind him to give us some feedbacks. I believe it did affect the timeline since it seems that we're always a little bit behind schedule.



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