Case-Based Learning Report


Image of letter D

The project was for the team to create a website to meet the client's needs. The clients are Denise Foxworth of Le Pooch & Company, pet spa and boutique, and Ray Langton of EnVigur, event management, project management and business consulting. Le Pooch & Company was chosen at first since it was available at the time while EnVigur wasn't. Afterwards, the team has decided they will take on two clients instead of one. EnVigur was chosen because of Small Business Associations to help broaden the awareness of NSCC capstone students.

Course Compentencies

All students graduating from this course should possess the following competencies:

* Prepare a website using industry standard XHTML with CSS, or Flash.
* Publish a website using FTP software and other tools.
* Create custom flash graphics in both FLA and SWF format.
* Create custom raster graphics in both GIF and JPG format, including an image map.
* Capture and resize photographs in a resolution suitable for the web.
* Create or re-purpose written content which conforms to web standards for text.
* Define and explain the concept of information architecture.
* Recognize and apply layout design principles.
* Recognize and apply typographic communication and design principles.
* Create a flowchart, storyboard and a site map.



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