Case-Based Learning Report


Image of letter D

This section is the overview of the design of the mockups that I have created for the clients.

For Le Pooch & Company, I have created a simple, classy, and bright colors, light tan, sky blue, and white, layout style. The sky color of the layout background is based on Tiffany & Co.'s blue color. The tan/brown is for chocolate related colors. The font was Verdana but later changed to Garamond. The navigation I had was seperated in two sections, top and left side. When each word navigation is clicked, the list of content shows on the left side. Although, the navigation have changed drop down menu style to focus on one section, the top instead with the side on the left, for each content. The black line swash at the bottom of the layout was taken from the logo. Also, the logo have light blue drop shadow background. Both of the line swash and logo was later changed to chocolate brown.

(View the mockup)

For EnVigur, I have created a simple blue and white clean layout style. The blue color is based on the company's logo. The fonts are Arial and Verdana since they're san-serifs and simple looking. The layout and navigation style are based on Ray's website outline. I made the navigation blue, with lighter shade of blue when hover over the link, horiztonal, and centered. The photos on the right of the home page is picked by Ray. Although, I made the photos to have curved corners to make it more sophiscated.

(View the mockup)



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