2023-2024 End of Year Report
2023-2024 marks the end of The Teaching Center’s 5th year of existence. During 2023-2024, The Teaching Center led NSCC employees in 2,309.36 hours of professional development, including 1,510.67 hours focused on Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices (CRTP.) 5 Professional Learning Communities and 195 professional learning opportunities were shared with NSCC through The Teaching Center throughout this year.
Since 2019, The Teaching Center has led NSCC employees in 8,599.96 hours of professional development, including 4,783.56 hours focused on CRTP.
The following charts and table show the growth of professional development offerings through The Teaching Center over time and the growth in the number of CRTP-focused professional learning. It is important to note for academic years 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024, The Teaching Center also facilitated ACUE Effective Teaching Practices cohorts, and the hours dedicated to this year-long professional development are not included in these totals.
This academic year, The Teaching Center exceeded the total CRTP hours completed record that was set the year the CRTP certificate was introduced to the college. The emphasis on the CRTP Certification for adjunct pay rate increases has positively impacted engagement in CRTP professional learning by adjunct faculty, and two adjunct faculty earned the certificate this academic year. 5 full-time faculty earned the certificate this year, which brings our total CRTP certifications to 35 faculty.

Total CRTP Hours Completed | Total PD Hours | |
2019-2020 | 36 | 496 |
2020-2021 | 1506 | 1948 |
2021-2022 | 855.25 | 1389.3 |
2022-2023 | 900.64 | 2356.9 |
2023-2024 | 1510.67 | 2309.36 |
During 2022-2023, The Teaching Center began to emphasize the connection of professional learning to NSCC’s Core Values. This also allowed us to track the number of professional learning hours completed for each core value. During 2023-2024, The Teaching Center exceeded the number of professional learning hours completed for each core value compared with 2022-2023.

L | E | A | D | S | |
2022-2023 | 1609.73 | 567.36 | 668.86 | 510.52 | 1589.89 |
2023-2024 | 1766.03 | 1434.78 | 1203.6 | 998.3 | 1859.17 |
The Teaching Center continued the use of digital badging to incentivize engagement in professional learning at the start of each semester. All employees were able to earn the digital badges.
- Fall Forward conference (August 2023): 50 employees earned the digital badge.
- New Year, New Horizons: Empowering Educators conference (January 2024): 62 employees earned the digital badge.
The Teaching Center led 19 faculty to the successful attainment of their Credential in Effective Teaching Practices from ACUE this year. Since 2021, 84 NSCC faculty have earned this credential.
The Teaching Center’s resources also include our website that has been continuously updated throughout this academic year. The Professional Development Library provides the ability to easily search by one of NSCC’s Core Values, CRTP, High Impact Practices (HIPS), Open Education Resources (OERs), and Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT). The Teaching Center clarified the definitions, presenter expectations, and audience expectations for different professional learning session types. A weekly newsletter promoting professional learning was created and distributed to all faculty and to chairs of Administrative Assembly and Staff Assembly to share with their constituencies.
Through collaboration with IR, a forever link was created for the NSCC TILT Survey. With the forever link, the NSCC TILT Survey is now available for 5-week term classes, 7-week term classes, and summer term. The forever link also allows for course developers to include the NSCC TILT Survey link within their master shells.
The Teaching Center hosted the TBR HIPS Regional Drive-In for Middle Tennessee on October 24, 2023. 50 attendees from across Middle Tennessee Community Colleges and TCATS attended. 19 attendees were from Nashville State Community College.
The Teaching Center is looking forward to 2024-2025 with Fall Flourish: Refreshing Our Teaching Toolbox planned for August 16-22, 2024. Thank you for your support of The Teaching Center.