Fall Forward Feedback
A five-question feedback survey was distributed via email to employees who attended at least one session of Fall Forward.
Target population(s): Employees who attended Fall Forward professional learning sessions.
Method: Online survey via Microsoft Forms.
Survey administration period: 8/30/2023 -9/8/2023
21 responses were received out of 117 possible responses (17.95%).

2. Which sessions or workshops did you find most valuable? Why?
- orientation
- Stress Less, Learn More–learned helpful things to reduce stress in the classroom
- Using plain language because that is something simple I can do in my classroom that may make a big difference.
- Yuja – need to learn how to use the new programs for accessibility.
- I appreciated the sessions that were helpful for student facing situations. Sessions that dealt with relating to students, meeting them where they are, etc.. I feel as though the Plain Language session should be required for all faculty and staff, since I currently find myself questioning the endless acronyms around campus! (ha-ha!)
- Access center. we got to hear the perspective of the newer access center employees.
- I don’t remember. It would be nice to have a list to choose from. I don’t have the inclination or motivation right now to go look them up.
- They were all good. For my own work, I thought Harlan’s ‘give and take’ was great!
- I attended many workshops and found them all to be helpful.
- I enjoyed the majority of the presentation, but the workshop about TILT, Dare to Lead, Teaching the Importance of Professional Behaviors in Healthcare Programs , these were the most for me because, I started using TILT last semester in some of my written assignments, I had participated in small reading group about Dare to Lead , it is a good learning experience , and for the last one , behavioral is very critical in our healthcare domain.
- All of them.
- Watermark — educate faculty on its importance
- Yuja Video Platform, because it is something that I needed to understand to use in my course shell.
- I found the Dare to Lead session most valuable because it offered the opportunity to join the Professional Learning Community, of which I am now a part.
- “1. Promotion and Tenure inservice by Sarah Roberts and Eli Nettles . Because I am on the Promotion and Tenure committee and need to understand the requirements.
2. OER formative assessment by Robert Ladd. I am using this information in the classes I teach.
3. Contemporary Culture educational tool by Amy Blum. This is an important topic and I am using this in my classroom.
4. NSCC resources by Courtney Woodard and Amy Bryant. This helps me help my students.”
- Harlan Pease’s one on PPT slides, design and text.
- “Attention, Memory, Learning – Helpful when dealing with TBI’s or other memory or brain related conditions.”
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your overall Fall Forward conference experience?
(1 being very dissatisfied, 10 being extremely satisfied)

4. What aspects of the conference would you like to see improved in the future?
- n/a
- It was great!
- We need some courses in combatting the use of AI in the classroom for tests, quizzes, and assignment.
- Continued info on things like financial aid rules, advising, adacdemic misconduct, policies in general. I think this is missing every term. We ALWAYS have new faculty and I can’t remember the last time someone talked about the academic misconduct form or how finals work (and how we have to explain that to our students because it is weird). Maybe a “here’s what you might ASSUME your students know – but they don’t” session and “here’s what someone told you when you first started teaching – but might have forgotten” section including where to find policies, academic calendar, how committees work (we used to HAVE to serve on a couple of them – never a mention of that in YEARS). The nuts and bolts.
- I would like to limit the number of days filled with training. We could possibly use the time better preparing for classes and working on our annual evaluation.
- There were lots of workshops offered that were heavily described as being useful in the classroom setting, when in reality they were applicable to non-faculty, student facing staff as well. I believe that if descriptions weren’t as classroom oriented, there may be less hesitation for non-faculty to participate. Also, if the post surveys could be less “will you use in the classroom” and instead be “will you use this in your current role” that way us staff can contribute more helpful statistics! 🙂
- It was great.
- I would like to have more opportunities to collaborate and discuss things with other faculty members. The sessions in a lecture format are informative but do not demonstrate an active classroom environment. If we want to engage with students in a meaningful way, we need to practice this with each other. I don’t find much of this in the sessions because of the new “rules” that have been imposed on us.
- More of ACUE teaching method.
- I don’t know!
- Have several opportunities for workshops on the grade book and not just watch tutorials if you miss the workshop.
- In the future, I would like to see this offered after the busy registration period has concluded. This semester, it was held during the height of registration season, which prevented my full engagement during some sessions.
- “The new chat rules were confusing and stifled communication among faculty, which is something I thought we were trying to encourage. The rules were not clearly defined and led some faculty to believe they could write NOTHING in the chat, even questions directly related to the topic or comments. Not to mention, as an educator I encourage questions and discussion in my classrooms to promote student engagement. This was taught in the ACUE course. Yet due to this rule, presentations by the Teaching Center this Fall stifled engagement, the opposite of what educators strive for. It was disheartening to watch what amounted to didactic lectures that allowed no interruptions for questions and no discourse among the attendees. I attended very few presentations because I no longer felt comfortable as a viewer.
- Not everyone at this college teaches the same or has the same rules for engagement. I spoke with at least 10 faculty about this new rule and NO ONE thought it was good, productive, or served a purpose other than to censor faculty opinions and ideas. I have to question a rule that is supposedly made in the interest of serving faculty, but yet is opposed by most faculty. Who is this rule serving?
- I will personally not be attending as many Teaching Center presentations because of this rule. And that makes me very sad. What used to be a group, collaborative experience where I could both learn and interact with new people now resembles a pre-recorded webinar where I sit alone and observe but cannot interact. “
- Although it varies with content, some sessions need more time to adequately cover topic.
5. Is there anything else you would like to share about your conference experience?
- Thank you for your hard work!
- Loved the food trucks and that the Foundation sprang for dessert!
- I so appreciate all the hard work from all presenters and the Teaching Center! I was able to take pages of notes for each session, and I truly felt refreshed and ready Fall Forward into the Fall Semester!
- Several of us were told to stop using the chat feature during a lecture. I found this disturbing and was informed that chatting is distracting and unfair to others in the session. I believe that it’s unfair to restrict participants during a lecture. We are not students in a classroom. We are colleagues and should be treated as such. If you want us to simply listen and not engage with each other, I will probably stop attending. I doubt that’s what you want, but . . .
- I had enjoyed . Thank you for your time .
- They are very informative and creative.
- enjoyed the convocation
- The presenters all gave excellent presentations, but I felt like I did not learn as much as I usually do because of the lack of questions. I just wish more had encouraged a more interactive environment.
- It would have been extremely beneficial if Microsoft Teams training had been available.