Tuesday, January 9
8 am – 8:50 am
Make an Impact at NSCC – Become an Impact Player (L, A, D, S)
We count on them. We know they will deliver. When it is tough, we turn to them. Impact players engage differently and make a tremendous positive impact on the work, their colleagues, and the organization. This spring, join us as we explore Liz Wiseman’s book, Impact Players: How to take the Lead, Play Bigger, and Multiply Your Impact. In this first session, we will learn about impact players, what makes impact players different, and how we can build impact player skills.
Presenter: Amy Bryant, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Director, The Teaching Center
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Tuesday, January 9
9 am – 9:50 am
The Stats Behind our Stats Classes (L, E, D, S, ACUE)
Math faculty were interested in learning more about the differences in student success and retention for 7-week versus traditional 15-week sections of Introductory Statistics. Hoping to find information that could lead to effective advising for 7-week classes and increase success of our students in all sections of this highly enrolled course, they collected the data and analyzed the results. They’ll share what they discovered as well as ideas they have about the different delivery methods that might help others developing 7-week classes and then open up for Q&A.
Presenter: Eli Nettles, Professor of Mathematics, and James Needham, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
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Tuesday, January 9
10 am – 10:50 am
Learning in Half the Time: The 7-Week Semester Experiment in English (L, A, D, S, CRTP)
Dickson found out in April that it was the guinea pig campus for the 7-week semester experiment for Gen Ed classes that Fall. We scrambled to quickly prep classes for that unexpected shift, including developing support sections ahead of the planned schedule for their development. In this session Michelle Bowen, who has 36 years of experience teaching writing (24 years at Nashville State), will share the Tips, Tricks & Timing lessons she learned and discuss the implications of Learning in Half the Time.
Presenter: Michelle Bowen, Associate Professor
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Tuesday, January 9
11 am – 11:50 am
YuJa Video Platform Training (L, S)
In this presentation, we will dive into how to access the Video Platform, as well as how to upload/ create content, how to edit your videos using the video editor tools as well as sharing your content within the Video Platform and in the D2L courses.
Presenter: Diana Hernandez, Customer Success Manager
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Tuesday, January 9
12 pm – 12:50 pm
The 7-Week Experiment in Dickson: Fall 2023 (CRTP, L, E, A, D, S, ACUE)
Panel Discussion
The panelists will share their experiences teaching 7-week Gen Ed classes in Dickson in Fall 2023, where all classes taught were 7-week. Most of the panelists also taught 15-week classes at the same time and will speak to that experience of teaching both, as well.
Panelists: Michelle Bowen, Assoc. Prof., English, Amy Bryant, Assoc. Prof., Communication Studies, and Robert Ladd, Assoc. Prof., English
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Tuesday, January 9
1 pm – 1:50 pm
Universal Principles of Teaching (L, E, S, CRTP, ACUE)
How can I be an effective instructor? What are some core principles that can guide my decision making in the classroom? The field of education brings together the latest in cognitive science and psychology to apply effective teaching and learning strategies (aka general pedagogical knowledge to any classroom).
Presenter: Kurstin Bush Teaching Center Fellow and Asst. Prof. of Education and Program Coordinator
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Tuesday, January 9
2 pm – 2:50 pm
Use of avatars in learning: Shadow Health (L, D, S)
This session is for anyone interested in learning about avatars in learning. While this product is used for Nursing assessment , similar programs are used for the teaching of hands on skills. This tool allows us to explore high risk activities in a no risk environment. Come see what your colleagues in nursing are using to teach our nurses of tomorrow. This presentation is most applicable to the School of Health Sciences and the School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Presenters: Audrey Humphries, Laura Reid, and Beth Youngblood
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