The following NSCC employees have earned the ACUE Badge in Inspiring Inquiry and Lifelong Learning in Your Online Courses. During this course, these employees engaged in professional learning about motivating students online, providing clear directions and explanation in online courses, integrating visualization tools in online courses, using data and feedback to improve online teaching, using advanced questioning techniques in online courses, and developing self-directed online learners. They implemented teaching practices in their courses, reflected on the impact of these practices, and planned for how to use these practices in teaching moving forward.
Belkis Barrios
John Besser
Amy Bryant
James Edwards
Melissa Fleck
Doug Godwin
Gary Grubb
Hannah Hurdle
Eucretia Johnson
Robert Ladd
Rachel Lewis
Zach Mills
Cynthia Morgan
Maryellen Nash
Harlan Pease
Marla Perry
Jessica Rabb
Piper Sesnan
Leah Welker
Regina Willis