The following NSCC employees have earned the ACUE Microcredential in Promoting Active Learning Online. These employees have engaged in professional learning about developing effective modules and microlectures, teaching powerful note-taking online, using groups to ensure active online learning, using the active learning cycle in online courses, planning effective online discussions, and providing useful feedback for online learning.
2024-2025 ACUE Effective Online Teaching Practices Cohort
Belkis Barrios
John Besser
Amy Bryant
Laura Burridge
Kurstin Bush
James Edwards
Melissa Fleck
Doug Godwin
Gary Grubb
Hannah Hurdle
Janessa Jacobs
Eucretia Johnson
Gracie King
Robert Ladd
Emily Lewis
Rachel Lewis
Zachary Mills
Cynthia Morgan
Maryellen Nash
Harlan Pease
Marla Perry
Jessica Rabb
Piper Sesnan
Regina Willis