2. Which sessions or workshops did you find most valuable? Why?
- Convocation was great. I loved our guest speaker and what he taught us about neurodivergent students.
- I really enjoyed the one on the video platform and the 5 languages.
- 1.Watermark results, I didn’t know that we don’t run these in the summer, and I learned the importance of them.
2.Quotable Quotes : I learned how everyone interpret the quote the way they experience it and all are different and valid.
3.The five languages of appreciation.
4.Helping each others to be successful.
- Sessions relating to all aspects of teaching. Methodology, best practices, etc.
- They all contributed to the sharing of new knowledge across the college.
- I am working on an OER grant, so I found the OER topics of particular interest. I also learned a lot in the session about D2L from a student perspective.
- Information about Tenure and Promotion because I was just hired by NSCC full time.
- All of them!
- Coping skills and resources for access – I learned about temporary accommodations for students that I wish I had known about in previous semesters. I know multiple students that would have benefited from that. It was also good to learn that extended due dates does not apply to exams, discussions, and quizzes.
- Academic Integrity one with Sarah Roberts and Julie Williams
- Why You Should Consider Teaching at a Nashville State Prison Campus!
- None
- The webinar on the LockDown browser was very beneficial as I plan on implementing that in my classes this semester. In addition, the overview of the Watermark survey results helped provide context as to how my results fit within the college as a whole.
- I especially enjoyed the workshops that were focused on improving instruction and meeting the needs of our students.
- Online trainings.
- I like the PLCs and Harlan’s Quotable Quotes sessions best.
- academic misconduct, yuja
- Supercommunicators -Looking forward to our discussions!

4. What aspects of the conference would you like to see improved in the future?
- More biology specific sessions or at least STEM. Most of the current sessions relate more closely with non-STEM gen Eds.
- More presentations from other departments that typically don’t present.
- Well, I doubt that you can do much about the fact that there are so many great sessions that conflict with the many meetings that go on during this time frame.
- I am just new and do not know the full extent of PD offered yet.
- I don’t know! They are good as they are.
- I think it was wonderful as always. I appreciate that Friday was free. I always love attending as many as I can so this allowed me to focus on my courses without feeling like I was missing out on some great opportunities.
- I was only able to attend one class. The other 3 for which I registered had bad links in the email so I was unable to connect. There was no information as to who to contact for assistance.
- Perhaps one day have sessions that start later than 8 a.m., but the variety of topics that are offered is great.
- The Zoom panel discussions gave me anxiety. I would prefer to do those in person.
- More student oriented trainings.
- more policy stuff – there was info shared with staff in the afternoon that faculty couldn’t attend due to other meetings. That is useful stuff for us too.
- I would like to see more sessions that focus on things that office staff could find useful. Communication sessions are always good, but perhaps a session exploring the use of Excel, or a more in-depth training session on processing travel approvals.
5. Is there anything else you would like to share about your conference experience?
- Unfortunately, I was moving my youngest to college this year and wasn’t able to take advantage of this wonderful program.
- In general it is very convenient to participate via Zoom, although there are sometimes technical difficulties.
- no
- Always informative, interesting and provide help for my classes.
- Keep up the great work!
- I learned a lot!
- What is or was Fall Flourish?
- No, thank you.
- Overall, I enjoyed the sessions I participated in.