Fall Forward 2023! Embrace the opportunity to learn by falling forward. When we try new things, sometimes they work, and other times they don’t. Both help us to grow and learn. Join The Teaching Center as we provide professional learning for you to Take Chances, Look for Opportunities, and Fall Forward.
August 10 – 17, 2023

Badging: NSCC participants who engaged in 8 professional learning sessions presented by the Teaching Center and Online Learning between August 10 and 17 will earn the Fall Forward 2023 badge.
Workshops have been coded to show connection to Nashville State’s Core Values – Nashville State LEADS – to show which workshops qualify for CRTP credit, and to show which workshops share teaching practices from our ACUE cohorts.
L – Learning
E – Equity Driven
A – Accountability
D – Data-Informed
S – Student-Centered
CRTP – Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices
ACUE – Led by ACUE Cohort member(s) sharing teaching practices learned from ACUE.
Thursday, August 10
9 – 9:50 am
Introversion is my Superpower (S, CRTP, ACUE)
What is the relationship between introversion and learning? How well do you know yourself? Introversion/Extroversion is considered one of the big 5 personality traits in Psychology. How does this personality trait affect us as instructors and the students sitting in our courses? You may be surprised.
Presenter: Kurstin Bush, Assistant Professor of Education and Program Coordinator and Fellow, The Teaching Center
Session Recording
Thursday, August 10
10 – 10:50 am
Learning from NSCC’s Watermark Results (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Every fall and spring, students complete the Watermark Survey about our classes. Individual faculty have access to their individual reports, but we don’t know how our own results are compared with the college as a whole. Join us as we analyze our NSCC college-wide Watermark survey report from fall 2022 and spring 2023. We will use the college-wide report to allow us to see a big-picture perspective of the Watermark survey results for faculty to use the college-wide results and own individual results for planning for the upcoming semesters. Note: The workshop will focus on college-wide results, only. No individual’s results will be shared.
Presenter: Amy Bryant, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Director of The Teaching Center
Session Recording
Thursday, August 10
11 – 11:50 am
Tao of Creating an Effective Online Course (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Developing an effective online course is the first and a crucial step toward successful execution of the online teaching. This presentation will illuminate alpha to omega of creating effective online course and implementing in place.
Presenter: Bir Bohara, Instructor of Physics
Session Recording
Thursday, August 10
12 – 12:50 pm
Time Management Tips from Old Dogs and New (L, E, A, S, ACUE)
Does Everything Everywhere All at Once sound like a description of your email inbox or to-do list? Join us for a session exploring creative ways to manage and balance our tasks, calendar, and grading. We’ll hear tips from some of Nashville State’s busiest and most effective faculty and staff. From Google Keep and other apps, to rubrics and intelligent agents, come hear about the latest discoveries and old tricks that keep on working.
Presenters: Laura Burridge, Associate Professor, and Michele Singletary, Associate Professor
Session Recording
Thursday, August 10
1 pm – 1:50 pm
Getting More Out of Lecture Capture with Yuja Video (D, S)
Yuja is our new video platform at Nashville State and the team from Yuja is going to showcase their lecture capture video tool including the features associated with their software and browser capture, recording and editing tool, video quizzing, media management, visual analytics, and more!
Presenters: Office of Online Learning & the YuJa Video Support Team
Session Recording
Friday, August 11
8:30 AM
ACUE 2023-2024 Cohort Kick-off (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP)
This session is limited to ACUE 2022-2023 Cohort participants. ACUE 2022-2023 Cohort participants, please check your email and Outlook Calendar invitation for the Zoom meeting information.
Friday, August 11
9 – 9:50 am
Formative Assessment and OER Pt 1 (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
A two-part session looking at a research-driven look at the purpose and creation of effective formative assessment (and some Portfolio talk), how and where to incorporate formative work, and how we can leverage OER materials (within any classroom, even with a textbook!) to ensure student retention and success. The topics for the first session are outcomes and measuring knowledge, and establishing purpose.
Presenter: Robert Ladd
Session Recording
Friday, August 11
10 – 10:50 am
Get Your Semester Started Successfully – Prepping your D2L Course (E, S)
Start the semester off strong! This workshop will provide you with tips and tricks for maximizing your pre-semester prep in D2L. Covered topics will include updating course content for the current term, creating a good first impression with your “Getting Started” content, and establishing instructor presence through course expectations and communication routines.
Presenters: Dr. Jamie Edwards and Hannah Hurdle, Office of Online Learning
Session Recording
Friday, August 11
11 – 11:50 am
Sixteen Going on Seventeen: Maximizing Success for the Dual Enrollment Student (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Did you know that some high school juniors and seniors can enroll in NSCC on-ground, online, and virtual courses? Chances are, some of your students could be 16–17-year-old high schoolers participating in a dual enrollment program (and you might not even know it!). And while these students are expected to be able to handle the academic rigor of college, it’s important to recognize that they are teenagers who may exhibit certain age-appropriate behaviors that can get in the way of their success in courses designed for responsible adults. In this session, we’ll learn how to identify dual enrollment students and discuss a set of best practices for ensuring they are as successful as possible in the courses they take at Nashville State.
Presenter: Mark Helm
Session will be rescheduled.
Friday, August 11
12 – 12:50 pm
Introduction to TILT (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
If you have never attended a TILT workshop, join The Teaching Center for the Introduction to TILT workshop. Research indicates that transparent assignment design significantly enhances students’ success, with even greater gains for historically underserved students. This presentation will cover the key principles underlying the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) framework and provide evidence for its efficacy.
Presenters: Neely Ann Sheucraft, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, Fellow, The Teaching Center; and Amy Bryant, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Director, The Teaching Center
Session Recording
Friday, August 11
1 – 1:50 pm
Using Plain Language to Be More Student-Centered in our classroom and our college (L, E, S, CRTP, ACUE)
As a result of our experience at Achieve the Dream, we will be talking about using plain language to demystify the processes that students navigate to apply and attend college. We will also discuss how to use plain language in your lectures, course shells, and syllabi in order to make your materials more user friendly and make our college more student ready.
Presenters: Dr. Christie Ferguson, director of Paralegal Studies & Robin Wilbanks, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Session Recording
Monday, August 14
9 – 9:50 am
Dare to Lead (L, A, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Join us for the first of an 8-session professional learning series on Daring Leadership. We will read, apply, discuss, and work through Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead book. During this series, we will learn to build courage, rumble with vulnerability, live in our values, braving trust, learn to rise, and build a culture of daring leadership. Join us for session 1 – no pre-reading required!
Presenters: Neely Ann Sheucraft, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, Fellow, The Teaching Center; and Amy Bryant, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Director, The Teaching Center
Monday, August 14
10 – 10:50 am
Musings on Rubrics, Grading, and Their Meanings (L, E, A, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Come discuss the use of rubrics and grading approaches. Several examples of various grading rubrics will be shared, and their benefits and pitfalls will be discussed. Finally, we will try to figure out how to convert rubric scores into meaningful grades that can assist students to grow intellectually.
Panelists: Janusz Polanowski, Associate Professor; Don Turner, Associate Professor; Aggie Mendoza, Associate Professor; and Michele Singletary, Associate Professor
Session Recording
Monday, August 14
11 – 11:50 am
Yuja Panorama’s Online Accessibility Tool in D2L (E, D, S)
Yuja Panorama is now integrated into D2L and the team from Yuja is going to showcase the newest accessibility features as well as their website accessibility tool. Learn how these accessibility features can enhance D2L course content for you and your students. Learn about setting up accessibility profiles, accessible alternative formats, real-time suggestions, accessibility reporting, and more!
Presenters : Office of Online Learning & the Yuja Panorama Support Team
Session Recording
Monday, August 14
12 – 12:50 pm
Boxes, Little Black Boxes on Zoom (L, E, A, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Join colleagues for a round table discussion on keeping students’ cameras on during virtual classes.
Presenter: Aggie Mendoza
Session Recording
Monday, August 14
1 – 1:50 pm
Little Changes that Made a Difference in My Class (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Come and find out how classroom rules, syllabus reconnaissance, reflective questions, and advice note cards made a difference in my class.
Presenter: Maria Smith, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Fellow, The Teaching Center
Tuesday, August 15
9 – 9:50 am
A Little Give and Take (L, S, ACUE)
This session will share key concepts from Adam Grant’s bestselling book “Give and Take” and explore how we can apply them to our teaching, work relationships, and maybe even use them to inspire our students. Please take this assessment before attending the workshop: https://adamgrant.net/quizzes/give-and-take-quiz/.
Presenter: Harlan Pease, Associate Professor of Communications and English and Fellow, The Teaching Center
Session Recording
Tuesday, August 15
10 – 10:50 am
Formative Assessment and OER Pt 2 (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
A two-part session looking at a research-driven look at the purpose and creation of effective formative assessment (and some Portfolio talk), how and where to incorporate formative work, and how we can leverage OER materials (within any classroom, even with a textbook!) to ensure student retention and success. The topics for the second session are developing mastery of “skills,” the gradual release of responsibility I employ in the portfolio system, and the student perception of our work in the classroom.
Presenter: Robert Ladd
Session Recording
Tuesday, August 15
11 am – 11:50 am
Popular Culture Texts as a Pathway to Academic Output (L, E, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Building on your students’ background knowledge and experience is an important part of culturally responsive teaching. Tap into your students’ popular culture texts to build a bridge of critical thinking toward more academic work. Bring a lesson plan, in-class activity, or assignment that needs an update, and work together to jazz it up.
Presenter: Amy S. Blum, Instructor of English & ESL
Session Recording
Tuesday, August 15
12 – 12:50 pm
Creating TILT Assignments for Math (L, E, A, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Learn how to create a TILT assignment for your math course along with the rubric. Bring an assignment that you would like to TILT.
Presenter: Maria Smith, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Fellow, The Teaching Center
Session Recording
Tuesday, August 15
1 – 1:50 pm
Setting up your Online Gradebook in D2L (E, A, D)
Grades are important to students so setting up your gradebook is vital to the integrity of your course. Ensure that your gradebook is ready to go from the start as we will cover gradebook basics, setting up grades and rubrics to assessments, and cover common issues that tend to happen.
Presenter: Hannah Hurdle, Office of Online Learning
Session Recording
Wednesday, August 16
9 – 9:50 am
Meet Your Students 1-On-1 (S, CRTP, ACUE)
The session will be part philosophy, part pedagogy, and part meeting technology Q&A. Meeting our students in and outside of class fosters growth mindset and a sense of belonging. We can incorporate meetings into our attendance and grading policies. I’ll offer tips on appointment management (Calendly, Bookings, Outlook) and virtual meeting tools (Zoom, Teams).
Presenter: Jessica Rabb, Professor, Biology and First Year Experience (NSCC 1010)
Session Recording
Wednesday, August 16
10 – 10:50 am
TILT Interactive Assignment Workshop (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
This workshop is an opportunity to receive feedback and suggestions on your TILT assignment. Bring a TILT assignment with you to share during the workshop. This workshop is limited to 5 participants. Registration is required.
Presenters: Neely Ann Sheucraft, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, Fellow, The Teaching Center; and Amy Bryant, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Director, The Teaching Center
Wednesday, August 16
11 am – 11:50 am
Attention, Memory and Learning (S, CRTP)
What can we learn from Neuroscience about how the brain processes information? How can we leverage this information in our classrooms?
Presenters: Kurstin Bush, Assistant Professor of Education and Program Coordinator and Fellow, Gracie King, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology, STEM division
Session Recording
Wednesday, August 16
12 – 12:50 pm
Let’s Talk: What Keeps You Going Through the Tough Times and Failures (L, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Let’s get together and share what motivates us to keep going when things get hard, chaotic, and overwhelming.
Moderator: Maria Smith, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Fellow, The Teaching Center
Session Recording
Wednesday, August 16
1 – 1:50 pm
Creating Different Levels of Engagement in Online and Beyond
How students are asked to engage with course materials can affect their learning and mastery of course content. The ICAP Framework (Interactive, Constructive, Active, Passive) is a type of active learning that focuses on students’ own levels of engagement and works to define and guide the engagement opportunities students have while learning the content in a course. This framework allows instructors the opportunity to consider the level(s) of engagement their courses provide while also actively allowing students the experience to become more involved in the learning process.
Presenter: Hannah Hurdle, Instructional Designer, Office of Online Learning
Session Recording
Thursday, August 17
9 – 9:50 am
Stress Less, Learn More: Effective Strategies for Supporting Students in the Classroom (L, S, CRTP, ACUE)
The “Stress Less, Learn More” class is designed to equip educators with effective strategies for supporting students who experience stress in the classroom. With the increasing demands on students to perform academically, socially, and emotionally, it is important for teachers to have a range of tools to help students manage stress effectively.
This class will explore different types of stress and their impact on students’ ability to learn and perform in the classroom. Participants will learn practical techniques for promoting mindfulness, reducing anxiety, and building resilience in students. In addition to learning specific stress reduction techniques, participants will also learn how to create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment that promotes student well-being. The class will cover topics such as cultivating positive relationships with students, promoting a growth mindset, and developing effective communication strategies.
Presenter: Piper Sesnan, OTD, OTR, OTA Program Director, Teaching Center Fellow
Register for this session
Thursday, August 17
10 – 10:50 am
Tenure and Promotion Updates and Q & A (D)
Join us to learn about the promotion and tenure processes at Nashville State Community College. Even if you aren’t pursuing promotion or tenure this year (especially if you are new and don’t even know anything about tenure and promotion), come to this session to learn and ask questions to know what you need to do now to be ready for the future.
Presenters: Dr. Sarah Roberts and Dr. Eli Nettles
Session Recording
Thursday, August 17
11 am – 11:50 am
Stop Talking, Start Influencing (L, S, ACUE)
In this session, we will look at how to improve our teaching through a deeper understanding of how people learn (based on Dr. Horvath’s book of the same name).
Presenter: Harlan Pease, Associate Professor of Communications and English and Fellow, The Teaching Center
Thursday, August 17
12 pm – 12:50 pm
High Impact Practices (HIPs): The What, Why, When, and How (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
What are HIPs? How does TBR define HIPs? How do I know if my teaching practices are HIP? Join The Teaching Center for a HIP review and HIP overview. We’ll review the positive impact of HIPs, the TBR HIP definitions to help us see where HIPs could be implemented in our courses, and how to code your course or course section as HIP at NSCC.
Presenter: Amy Bryant, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Director, The Teaching Center
Session Recording
Thursday, August 17
1 – 1:50 pm
Teaching the Importance of Professional Behaviors in Healthcare Programs (L, E, A, S, CRTP, ACUE)
This session is designed to provide instructors with an understanding of how and why teaching students the importance of professional behaviors in healthcare programs is crucial. The course will focus on the skills and knowledge necessary for instructors to effectively teach and promote professional behaviors among their students who are interested in pursuing a degree in a healthcare program.
Topics covered in this course to include: Professionalism in Healthcare, Effective Communication, Interpersonal Relationships, Cultural Competence, Time Management and Professional Development
Presenters: Piper Sesnan, OTD, OTR OTA program director, Assistant Professor, Teaching Center Fellow, and Jay Chambers, BS, CST, Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator of Surgical Technology and Central Sterile Processing Program
Session Recording