January 2024 Report
The Teaching Center, in collaboration with the Office of Online Learning, led the New Year, New Horizons: Empowering Educators conference at NSCC. This work included:
Promoting the conference through The Teaching Center website and daily emails during the conference to all faculty, adjunct faculty, and leaders of administrative assembly and staff assembly.
36 professional learning sessions.
Moderating all sessions.
Helping NSCC employees complete 959 hours of professional learning through New Year, New Horizons: Empowering Educators, which includes:
- 608 hours – Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices professional learning.
- 832 hours of professional learning emphasizing Learning.
- 696 hours of professional learning emphasizing Equity Driven.
- 510 hours of professional learning emphasizing Accountability.
- 442 hours of professional learning emphasizing Data-Informed.
- 824 hours of professional learning emphasizing Student-Centered.
Awarding 62 employees with the New Year, New Horizons: Empowering Educators badge for attending at least 8 sessions during the conference.
Engaging 134 NSCC employees in at least one professional learning session.
Editing and processing of all recordings to the professional development library.
In January, The Teaching Center scheduled, promoted, moderated, and updated The Teaching Center’s data tracking of attendance for 43 professional development sessions.
In spring 2024, The Teaching Center is leading 3 professional learning communities, including a PLC focused on Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and a PLC focused on Liz Wiseman’s book, Impact Players: How to take the Lead, Play Bigger, and Multiply Your Impact. The Teaching Center fellows are engaging in a PLC focused on Adam Grant’s Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things.
- The Impact Players PLC includes faculty and staff.
- The Pedagogy of the Oppressed PLC includes faculty, staff, and administrators and includes representation from all Schools and from all NSCC campuses.
The Teaching Center continues to lead and facilitate a cohort of NSCC faculty in the ACUE Effective Teaching Practices course. The Teaching Center is working with ACUE for planning for the 2024-2025 academic year.
This academic year, The Teaching Center has led NSCC employees in 2,051.58 hours of professional development, including 1344.42 hours focused on Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices (CRTP.)
Since 2019, The Teaching Center has led NSCC employees in 8,351.18 hours of professional development, including 4,617.31 hours focused on Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices (CRTP.)