Fall Flourish 21 videos found 00:57:20 Why You Should Consider Teaching at a Nashville State Prison Campus! 0 views Student Centered 2024,Fall Flourish 00:40:21 Coping skills and resources for Access Center students (L, E, A, D, S) 0 views Accountability,Data-informed,Equity Driven,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 2024,Fall Flourish 00:49:17 Ideas that Stick (L) 0 views Learning 2024,Fall Flourish 00:48:50 Infinite Games 2: OER, Co-creating a textbook with my students: Tokyo in Film (L, E, A, D, S) 3 views Accountability,Data-informed,Equity Driven,LEADS,Learning,OER,Student Centered 2024,Fall Flourish 00:46:09 NSCC’s TILT Survey – Results from 2023-2024 (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP) 0 views Accountability,CRTP,Data-informed,Equity Driven,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 2024,Fall Flourish 00:53:04 You Can Observe a Lot Just By Watching (L, S, CRTP) 2 views CRTP,Learning,Student Centered 2024,Fall Flourish 00:58:43 What’s [emotion] got to do with it anyway? (L, E, S, CRTP) 1 views CRTP,Equity Driven,Learning,Student Centered 2024,Fall Flourish 00:52:43 Keynote HIPs and the Launch of Learner Records: Lessons Learned from a Five-Year Effort in Tennessee 1 views ACUE,CRTP,HIP 2024,Fall Flourish,Keynote 00:49:42 Motivational Stacks, the Brain in Flow (L, D, S, CRTP, ACUE) 0 views ACUE,CRTP,Data-informed,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 2024,Fall Flourish 00:55:37 The Future of Faculty Support: AI Integration to Enhance Teaching and Learning (L, S) 2 views AI,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 2024,Fall Flourish 123»Page 1 of 3