Embracing Community Cultural Wealth (L, E, A, S, CRTP)

Friday, January 6, 2023
9 – 9:50 am
Embracing Community Cultural Wealth (L, E, A, S, CRTP)
In this session, we will introduce the idea of community cultural wealth and how we, as faculty members, might recognize the wealth of knowledge that students bring with them to college. Their community cultural wealth may include aspirational, linguistic, familial, navigational, and/or resistant forms of knowledge. We hope to share ideas and gain ideas from each other about how we can encourage students to recognize and build upon their own knowledge and lead them to recognize the benefits of cultural and social capital that they can gain in college.
Presenters: Ayesha Keller, MSW, Associate Professor of Social Work; Yvonne Simerman, MA, Assistant Professor of Sociology
#Learning #EquityDriven #Accountability #StudentCentered #crtp

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