Keynote HIPs and the Launch of Learner Records: Lessons Learned from a Five-Year Effort in Tennessee

The Tennessee Board of Regents made a commitment to the implementation and expansion of High Impact Practices (HIPs) across the System in 2014. Since the launch of the HIPs Initiative, the TBR System has received national recognition on not only scaling efforts, but also data collection on student outcomes from participating in HIPs. As the final bookend piece to the HIP scaling work, TBR is leading the nation in the development and scaling of a comprehensive learner record to be launched in Fall 2024. This session will recap the history and momentum leading up to the launch of the learner record and the future possibilities for its use with students, employers, and for assessment.
Keynote Session Presenter: Dr. Heidi Leming, Vice Chancellor for Student Success, Tennessee Board of Regents

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