Learning from NSCC’s Watermark Results (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP)

Friday, March 22
12 pm Learning from NSCC’s Watermark Results (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP, ACUE)
Join us as we analyze our NSCC college-wide Watermark survey report from the first 7-week term of Spring 2024. We will use the college-wide report to allow us to see a big-picture perspective of the Watermark survey results for faculty to use the college-wide results and own individual results for planning for the upcoming semesters. Note: The workshop will focus on college-wide results, only. No individual’s results will be shared.
Presenters: Dr. Gracie King, Associate Professor, Biology, and Amy Bryant, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Director of The Teaching Center
#learning #equitydriven #accountability #datainformed #studentcentered #crtp

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