Save Time and Engage Your Students Using “Smart” Tools in D2L (E, A, S)

Monday, January 8
10 am – 10:50 am
Save Time and Engage Your Students Using “Smart” Tools in D2L (E, A, S)
This workshop will review Intelligent Agents, a powerful tool inside D2L that can both save you time and personalize course communications for your students. Intelligent Agents can automatically identify students who meet certain criteria in your course and send them a message tailored to their current learning needs in the course. For instance, you can set an IA to identify students who scored below a particular threshold on an assignment. It will then automatically send a message with helpful resources or reminders about course grading policies to students who meet those criteria. You can even set up IAs to send messages of praise for a job well done! While writing each of these emails on your own would normally take hours, IAs allow you to add a greater sense of personal care and connection to your online course, with minimal time invested.
Presenter: Hannah Hurdle, Online Learning
#equitydriven #accountability #studentcentered

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