Soft Skills are the Essential Skills for Success

Friday, November 18
9 am – 9:50 am
Soft Skills are the Essential Skills for Success: Focus on communication, nonverbal communication, and presence (L, S, CRTP)
We communicate with others anytime we are in the presence of another person. Are we aware of the messages that we are sending with our words, facial expressions, and bodies? Join us as we analyze how communication messages can be interpreted much differently than we intend; how to be more competent communicators in our words, facial expressions, and body movements; and provide tips and strategies to be a more competent communicator.
Presenters: Neely Ann Sheucraft, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Fellow, The Teaching Center, and Amy Bryant, Associate Professor, Communication Studies, and Director of The Teaching Center
#learning #studentcentered #CRTP

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