Specification Grading in STEM Courses (S, CRTP)

In the traditional grading system, there is a variation in students’ grades depending on who is teaching the class. A student may earn a lower grade in one section for the same amount of effort than in another. In a way, there is a gap between the desired learning level to the success level. This perceived gap is also not measurable. In a traditional grading system often, it is assumed that a teacher fails or passes students.
Contrary to the traditional grading system, students will have ownership of their grades in specifications grading. Students will have clarity about their desired grade, where they stand, and what action they can take to reach the goal. In this presentation, I like to discuss how we can measure student success in a new way that hopes to motivate and encourage students to work for their desired grades.
Presenter: Jesmin Akther
#studentcentered #CRTP


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