The 7-Week Experiment in Dickson: Fall 2023 (CRTP, L, E, A, D, S)

Tuesday, January 9
12 pm – 12:50 pm
The 7-Week Experiment in Dickson: Fall 2023 (CRTP, L, E, A, D, S)
Panel Discussion
The panelists will share their experiences teaching 7-week Gen Ed classes in Dickson in Fall 2023, where all classes taught were 7-week. Most of the panelists also taught 15-week classes at the same time and will speak to that experience of teaching both, as well.
Panelists: Michelle Bowen, Assoc. Prof., English, Amy Bryant, Assoc. Prof., Communication Studies, and Robert Ladd, Assoc. Prof., English
#crtp #learning #equitydriven #accountability #datainformed #studentcentered

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