The Impact of Linguistic Diversity and Public-School Policy on Community College Classes

Approximately five million children (or 10% of the pre-K – 12 population) in U.S. public schools are identified as English Learners (formerly known as Limited English Proficient). Over the last 30 years, there has been a concentrated movement of the families of these children to “secondary migration” states such as Tennessee (which has seen an exponential growth in its EL population since the mid-1990s). Many of these students do their entire K-12 experience in American public schools. When these students head to college, their prior school experiences inform their ability to successfully complete college-level courses. This workshop provides an overview of the scope of linguistic diversity in U.S. public schools, the types of “EL” programming available to them, and the long-range impact of that programming on linguistically diverse college students in your content-area classrooms.
#Learning #equitydriven #studentcentered

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