Universal Design for Learning (UDL) – Meeting the Needs of All Our Students

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to teaching and learning that focuses on providing all students with equal opportunities to succeed. It addresses removing barriers to content access and emphasizes multiple intelligences and learning styles. It emphasizes flexibility that maximizes the strengths and abilities that students bring to the classroom. In this session, we will introduce the key principles and features of UDL, discuss its integral connection with issues of student access to curriculum, and explore best practices and ways to apply the UDL principles to material development.
Presenters: Diana Blackburn, Instructional Support Specialist, Office of Online Learning; Katrina Dubree, Director, Access Center; Robert Ladd, Assistant Professor, English, and Fellow in The Teaching Center; Anne Pouliot, Coordinator of Accessible Technology, Access Center; Heather Rippetoe, Instructional Design Specialist, Office of Online Learning; and Mary Elizabeth Wilson-Patton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, ESL, and Fellow in The Teaching Center
#learning #equitydriven #accountability #datainformed #studentcentered

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