What is YouScience? Why is it important? (Career Planning is a very important part of NSCC 1010) Friday, July 19, 2024 What is YouScience? Why is it important? (Career Planning is a very important part of NSCC 1010) Presenter: Jessica Rabb 2 views You may also like 51:46 Open Education: Creating Local and Equitable Curriculum (Session 2 of 2) 2 views OER 2021 28:44 Betting on Our Students 2 views 42:45 How to Write a Teaching Philosophy Workshop 3 views 43:29 Promotion and Tenure Preparation Workshop 3 views 46:51 IR and You: Overview of data and how you can use it 2 views 48:28 Robert’s Rules of Order: How to Lead and Participate in Meetings 3 views 29:59 Discover your innovation style through the Basadur Profile 2 views 40:37 Developing Quality Rubrics for Assessment and Reflection Workshop 3 views 49:05 Resiliency and Self-Care 1 views 42:15 The Interactive Floating Syllabus 3 views «1…2425262728…38»Page 26 of 38