What is YouScience? Why is it important? (Career Planning is a very important part of NSCC 1010) Friday, July 19, 2024 What is YouScience? Why is it important? (Career Planning is a very important part of NSCC 1010) Presenter: Jessica Rabb 1 views You may also like 51:44 Thinking about Grades as Conflict (L, S, CRTP) 2 views CRTP,Learning,Student Centered 2022 45:32 Building Community in Your Class Starting Today (L, E, S, CRTP) 3 views CRTP,Equity Driven,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 2022 29:12 The Active Learning Cycle: what it is and why you should consider using it (L, S) 3 views LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 32:42 Living freely in a haiku: Adventures in turning curriculum order on its head …(L, E, S, CRTP) 3 views CRTP,Equity Driven,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 21:54 Discovering the TN Electronic Library (TEL) and how to make your students lifelong learners 2 views 18:34 Completing Our Faculty Evaluations 2 views 48:32 The 7-Week Course- A Panel Discussion (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP) 3 views Accountability,CRTP,Data-informed,Equity Driven,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 29:29 Community Building Week 1-How did it go? (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP) 2 views Accountability,CRTP,Data-informed,Equity Driven,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 27:18 Promotion and Tenure Preparation Workshop 2 views 38:05 How to Write a Teaching Philosophy Workshop 1 views «1…2829303132…35»Page 30 of 35