What is YouScience? Why is it important? (Career Planning is a very important part of NSCC 1010) Friday, July 19, 2024 What is YouScience? Why is it important? (Career Planning is a very important part of NSCC 1010) Presenter: Jessica Rabb 2 views You may also like 30:44 HIPS-The What, Why, When and How (L, E, D, S, CRTP) 2 views CRTP,Data-informed,Equity Driven,HIP,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 53:45 “Maslow” before “Bloom:” Why and how to incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) 4 views CRTP,Equity Driven,Learning,Student Centered 2022 1:06:35 Lights, Camera, Learning!: Course Videos Made Easy 3 views 53:31 Building Better Communication from Committee to College (L, A) 3 views Accountability,LEADS,Learning 2022 48:35 What I Learned About Teaching From Being a Student (L, S, CRTP) 3 views CRTP,Learning,Student Centered 2023 1:08:52 Make Your Course “Smart”: Save Time and Engage Your Students Using Automation Tools in D2L 3 views 57:59 STEM, TILT, and Rubrics, Oh My! (L, S, CRTP) 2 views CRTP,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered,TILT 2022 42:43 Introduction to TILT (L, E, A, D, S, CRTP) 2 views Accountability,CRTP,Data-informed,Equity Driven,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered,TILT 53:51 Funds of Knowledge Accessing Fabulous Resources that Multilingual Students Bring to the Classroom 3 views CRTP,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 2023 46:23 What I Learned About Teaching From Being a Student (L, S, CRTP) 2 views CRTP,LEADS,Learning,Student Centered 2023 «1…3031323334…38»Page 32 of 38